Ron's Blog

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Westboro Does it Again

As a Christian, I sometimes wonder if we’re all (Christians) reading the same book. It seems to me that Jesus was pretty clear about compassion, love, and consideration even with those who don’t share our perspectives. Unfortunately, this belief is not always shared by my fellow Christians. And as much as I’d like to say […]

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Traffic Safety Mimes – Really?

In Caracas, Venezuela, the government has deployed more than 100 mimes to police street corners and to “gesture” to speeders and jaywalkers as a way to improve walking and driving habits. Maybe it’s just me but if a mime shook his finger at me, I think it would increase my road rage.  And I can […]

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Common Sense Helps Us Do Business Well

What happened to common sense? I once met the manager of one of the nation’s largest airports. I asked him what his job was like. He said, jokingly, “If it wasn’t for the passengers, it would be a great job.” I get what he’s saying but today, it seems like we have forgotten that the […]

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Making Remodeling Fun

My friend and fellow Rotarian Bob Benedict, owner of Northwood Construction, has created a great way to not only get the word out about his company, but to make someone’s remodeling experience more fun. It’s called Worst 2 First Remodeling and will give someone a free remodeling of their powder room – if it’s judged […]

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Treehotel Is Not For the Birds!

OK, so this new Treehotel falls into the category of done well and really fun.  The Treehotel in Harads, Sweden was built, literally, in the trees.  The six treerooms are located in unspoiled nature just outside this small town of 600 people. Here is a short description from their website: The idea behind Treehotel is […]

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For an Honors Student, Not So Smart

At least seven students on Long Island were charged with participating in an SAT scam recently.  Allegedly, a college sophomore (and clearly a smart student, by the way) took the SAT’s for other high school students and charged them $1,500-2,500 for the service.  Not only did he get caught, but the high school students who […]

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Religion and Humor: A Match Made in Heaven

There is a great article in USA Today about the intersection of humor and religion.  It focuses on whether there is a place in religion for humor.  You can read the article here:  Religion Hits the Comedy Circuit As a humorist and someone who has served on my church’s Board of Deacons and Board of […]

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Hallmark Enters the Jobless Market

I recently read where Hallmark has created a line of greeting cards for people who have lost their jobs.  For instance, one card might read, “Don’t think of it as losing your job, think of it as a time out between stupid bosses.” While I’m all about making difficult times more fun, I’m wondering how […]

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Uncomfortable? On an Airplane?

Leisha Hailey, an actress who starred on The L Word was kicked off a Southwest Airlines flight when someone complained that she kissed her girlfriend and it made him/her uncomfortable.  An LA Times article (Leisha Hailey LA Times article) reported that Hailey and her girlfriend were approached by a flight attendant and that the discussion […]

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Money Can't Buy Happiness

Researchers from Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand that individuals who are able to change their careers or pursue their passions rate highest on the well being scale.  Read the article here:  Well Being Study I started my business in 1996 and since then, I’ve been convinced that there is a job or career […]

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