Ron's Blog

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Bob Newhart is Hilariously Insightful

I’m a big fan of Bob Newhart.  A friend recommended this Bob Newhart video from Mad TV.  The funny thing about this video, other than it’s a funny video, is that it’s also incredibly insightful. How often do we get ourselves into predicaments because we do things that are not helpful to us? What […]

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Brilliance in the Shower


So, what is it about the shower that brings out the best in me?I’m not suggesting that my naked body is the best in me.  I’m talking about the way my mind works when I’m in the shower.  There’s something magical that allows great ideas to flow as freely as the water.  In fact, that’s […]

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Holstee Has a Great Mission Statement

In the February 2012 edition of Inc. Magazine, I read an article about clothing company Holstee’s unique mission statement.  Co-founder Fabian Pfortmüller said that they realized that their business was not only about the product or service they deliver but at the end of the day, it was also about the lifestyle they created.  As […]

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University of Virginia Law School Does Learning Well

Recently, the University of Virginia’s Law School announced that one of it’s classes was responsible for excluding a man of a 1978 rape on the basis of DNA evidence.  This unique program called the Innocence Project Clinic allows students to evaluate the evidence against three people who were convicted of a crime but may be innocent. Dierdre […]

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I Admire Perseverance

Last week, in the same publication (The Week), I read about three people who each overcame serous obstacles to accomplish something significant.  This is important for all of us who can get tripped up by the simplest of things. 1. A homeless 18-year-old became a national science contest semifinalist. 2. A British woman became the […]

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How Important is Congruity for Paula Deen…and For Us?


In our house, we have a running joke that Paula Deen would add butter to butter just to make it more buttery.  As a southerner, I am intimately familiar with the recipes that she demonstrates on her show and will admit that I could definitely enjoy a diet of nothing but her meals, at least […]

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Rediscovering the Crock Pot


The challenge for people who work, or people like me who, when I’m not on the road, sit at a desk and pretend to work, is balancing the other responsibilities in our lives that also need attention.  Forget all that goes with having children, just preparing a healthy meal in the evenings is enough to […]

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At Least Obama Tried to Be Funny

During last night’s State of the Union speech, President Obama told a very bad joke.  Personally, I like very bad jokes but I am always prepared with a recovery line if my audience agrees that it’s a very bad joke.  Here’s Obama’s line: “I’ve ordered every federal agency to eliminate rules that don’t make sense. […]

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I’m a Funeral Junkie


OK, so I like funerals.  Is that weird? I didn’t like them so much when I was young but as I got older, they grew on me.  Now, I enjoy them. Funerals are an odd mixture of grief, humor, re-connected relationships, and food.  I guess you could say they’re all about life, love, and laughter. […]

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Martin Luther King Jr.’s Documents Available Online

The King Center Imaging Project has made over 200,000 documents available online at The King Center.  Among the documents are the handwritten notes for Dr. King’s Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech and initial edits of his “I Have a Dream” speech. As a huge fan of Dr. King, it’s is fascinating to see his handwritten […]

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