Ron's Blog

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Forbes Interview

Recently, I was contacted by Dan Schawbel who writes a blog for Forbes.  He asked me several questions about my new book.  Below is an excerpt and a link to the entire article. Dan:  What if you can’t get a job that you’re excited about? What do you do? Ron:  Once I started my business, […]

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Customer Service Done Well and Fun

The following was sent to me by my friend and colleague Rob Shore of  It’s such a great example of how to do customer service well and still have fun. If you are not familiar with Dollar Shave Club I know you will get a kick out of their promo video. I had an […]

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President or Speaker of the House?

On July 17, 2012, I was honored and humbled to be installed as the 2012-2013 President of the National Speakers Association (NSA).  You could say that I’m their Head Talker for the next 12 months. As President, my role is to facilitate board meetings and oversee a number of volunteers who work with our association […]

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A Declaration of a Son’s Independence

In honor of Independence Day and the fact that my son goes to college this fall, I thought I’d reprint a column I wrote last year for the Herndon Patch.  Any resemblance to historical documents is purely coincidental, in a purposeful parody kind of way. “The Declaration of A Son’s Independence” by Ron Culberson In […]

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The AIDS Memorial Quilt in DC

In 1986, I received my master’s degree in social work and started a job as a home care social worker at Hospice of Northern Virginia in Arlington, VA.  The AIDS epidemic was picking up speed and the healthcare world was overwhelmed by this strange virus that seemed to target gay men across the country. At […]

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Brave’s Princess Merida’s Hair is Done Very Well

There is a great article in USA Today about the success Pixar’s animators had in creating the hair for Brave’s Princess Merida.  You can read the entire article here:  Animation Sensation. In order to make Merida’s hair look real, it took animators and engineers three years to create the technology and then design the animation […]

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Motorcycle Presence


Today was a perfect day for a motorcycle ride.  Blue skies.  Moderately high temperatures.  And wonderful smells. Riding is about being present both with the road and the nature around you.  No one said it better than Robert Pirsig in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: “In a car you’re always in a compartment, […]

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A Shot in the Arm for Publicity

According to the associated press, Ryamond Dolin was hitchiking across the country for a book he was writing called Kindness in America when he was randomly shot by a pickup driver — so he said. Turns out, Dolin confessed to shooting himself as a way to promote his book. But the story gets even better.  Dolin […]

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Jaws’ Jokes Made it Scarier

There is a great article in the July/August 2012 issue of Mental Floss magazine about the movie Jaws. Steven Spielberg said, “Jaws should never have been made — it was an impossible effort.” But, he and the crew persevered by using a mechanical shark, the likes of which the movie industry had never seen.  The result was one […]

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Wrongful Conviction IS a Prison Sentence

The Associated Press recently reported that archives compiled by two law schools shows that more than 2,000 people who were falsely convicted of serious crimes have been exonerated in the past 23 years.  Usually this is done with the help of a dedicated family member or advocacy group. That’s almost 87 people per year if […]

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