Ron's Blog

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Do You See Danger or Benefits?

The following is part of Ron’s newest newsletter: I was unpacking my suitcase in a hotel recently while watching The Ellen Show. I like Ellen DeGeneres. She finds funny in everything. During one of the commercial breaks, there was an ad for a particular medication that I won’t name – to protect them and me! […]

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How to Make Difficult Tasks More Fun

Ron’s latest Huffington Post blog: There are certain things I’m just not good at. For instance, I’m not very good at household repairs, knitting, or interpreting the meaning of a movie like Citizen Kane. So, when it comes to these things, I let the professionals do their job and I simply admire their work. But […]

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Live Well. Have Fun.

The goal of Live Well, Have Fun is to review products and services to see if they live up to the Do it Well, Make it Fun Test. Additionally, it will be good accountability for me to see if I, too, am Living Well and Having Fun! I hope you find value in them. October […]

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Running Away from New Experiences

Recently, I read an article about a man who is running from Los Angeles to San Francisco…backwards…to inspire people to try something new. Apparently, this guy has been running backwards for 46 years and even competed in few marathons. It brings a whole new meaning to “he took out several competitors along the way.” I […]

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Airplane Etiquette – Give Me My Space

As a frequent traveler who will achieve the coveted 1K status this year (coveted for its benefits, not for the time away from home), I know a little bit about travel etiquette. But recently, I have encountered a number of violators. So, in the spirit of making the experience better and more fun for all […]

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How to Get “It” Back When You’re Not Feeling “It”

Ron’s newest Huffington Post blog: The basis for my work is a concept called “Do IT well and make IT fun.” And when I refer to the IT, I’m not referring to information technology, but rather that IT in our life that is the basis of all that. It’s the essence of the phrase, “You’ve […]

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Live Well. Have Fun.

Welcome to a new feature on my blog. The goal of Live Well, Have Fun is to review products and services to see if they live up to the Do it Well, Make it Fun Test. Additionally, it will be good accountability for me to see if I, too, am Living Well and Having Fun! […]

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Live Well. Have Fun.


Welcome to a new feature on my blog. The goal of Live Well, Have Fun is to review products and services to see if they live up to the Do it Well, Make it Fun Test. Additionally, it will be good accountability for me to see if I, too, am Living Well and Having Fun! […]

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Giving IS Receiving

A retiring car dealer in Michigan gave each of his employees $1,000 for each year they worked at his 47-year-old car dealership.  As a way of thanking his employees, Howard Cooper gave each a cash payment when he sold his dealership – including one loyal long-term employee who received $46,000. You can read the article […]

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Stress Doesn’t Have to Be that Stressful

Ron’s newest Huffington Post blog: Did you know that stress is not inherently stressful? Sounds impossible, right? Well, it turns out that if stress were inherently stressful, we would all be stressed by the same things. And we’re not. Some people are stressed by traffic. Some aren’t. Some people are stressed by their families. Some […]

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