Ron's Blog

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Can’t You See You Need Help?


The problem with mirrors is that they lie. Or perhaps, more accurately, they don’t tell the whole truth. Mirrors will show you the cavernous lines on your forehead that have become more pronounced as you’ve aged but they don’t show you that these lines got there because you frowned too much at your spouse. Mirrors […]

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What Humor Are You Missing?

My friend Bob Orben contacted me after reading my blog entitled, “What Are You Missing” which was about missing opportunities in life because we’re not looking for them – because we’re not paying attention. He pointed out that paying attention is also the basis for writing humor. It involves seeing beyond what’s on the surface […]

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The Need to Belong


Groucho Marx once said that he would never join a club that would have him as a member. It’s interesting that no matter how unique we are or how much we want to stand out in the crowd, we also have a need to belong – to be included. Parkland Regional Burn Center, a division […]

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Do Your Opponents Honor You?


In business and life, sports analogies can strike out (see how I did that?). For those who love sports, the connection makes perfect sense and can crystallize a concept like nothing else – especially the concept of teamwork. But for those who don’t love sports, a sports analogy can sound like a crying child at […]

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What Are You Missing?

Several years ago, on my way to return a rental car, I went to fill up the gas tank. I casually mentioned to the colleague who was riding with me, “I wonder what side of the car the gas tank is on?” He casually said, “The gas gauge will tell you.” I was shocked. I’ve […]

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So What Are You Going to Do?


School started this week. We saw teenage boys and girls walking through the neighborhood on their way to prison. At least that’s what their faces looked like. And many of them will be asked the proverbial question, “So, what did you do over the summer?” The question implies that the fun is done. That we […]

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New Book by Dan Schawbel

Dan Schawbel was kind enough to interview me for an article on To date, I’m delighted to say that we’ve had almost 100,000 views. If you’d like to read the article just go here: Why You Need to Have Fun to Be Successful. Now, I get to return the favor by suggesting that you […]

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Setting Fun Limits

As a leader or even an employee, it is sometimes necessary to set limits with other people. They walk into your office, interrupt conversations or send you emails with questionably funny jokes or photos attached. In order to function in a leadership role and just to get your work done, you must set limits on […]

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Would You Like a Little Feedback?


Has anyone ever come up to you and said, “Would you like a little feedback?” As a speaker, it happens to me with some regularity. And my knee-jerk, unfiltered, slightly exaggerated response is always the same. “Hell, no!” Luckily, I only say this in my head and not out loud. But my reaction is based […]

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