Ron's Blog

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Compton High School Student Learns to Do it Well at a Young Age

I heard a wonderful story on Headline News recently about Compton (CA) High School senior Allan Guei.  As a standout on the varsity basketball team, Allan entered a free-throw shooting contest sponsored by a marketing agency that wanted to produce a documentary to dispel negative beliefs about the Compton community. Guei won the competition and […]

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Clever Breast Cancer Awareness

I was on a flight to Phoenix this week and a man two seats in front of me stood up to leave. I noticed this on the back of his t-shirt: DON’T LET CANCER STEAL SECOND BASE Now, I know that this could be viewed as a very chauvinistic perspective but I think it a […]

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Netflix Doesn't Care About Customers…Do They?

Netflix announced that on September 1, they will change their subscription service by separating the cost of instant downloads from the cost of mailed DVD’s.  For my family, that change will result in a 33% increase in our cost.  I can’t understand why they would stick it to their customers like this.  Don’t they realize […]

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Women, Boomers, and Humor

My friend Pat Williams at Graceful Care sent me this link.  It’s a wonderful resource site for Boomer Women.  This particular page has some great humor. Third Age Humor

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Book – Paid To Speak


Paid to Speak:  Best Practices or Building a Successful Speaking Business
The National Speakers Association

“Paid to Speak offers dozens of sage pieces of advice for anyone who wants to build their speaking business.  From content to marketing to deliver, this book will save you years of hard knocks on your way to becoming a ‘million dollar mouth’.” 

Covering every aspect of launching, building, and maintaining a successful speaking career, Paid to Speak is a must-read for professional speakers – whether keynote speaker, motivator, coach, trainer, facilitator, or consultant – as well as those aspiring to a speaking career.

The book is divided in to four sections:  Eloquence, Enterprise, Expertise, and Ethics.  Ron is co-author of a chapter on “Cooking up Comedy”.


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Doing it Well Means Doing The Work…Even When It's Fun

Sometimes we look at famous comedians and assume they were just born funny and that they don’t have to work at it.  In the movie Comedian, Jerry Seinfeld works his material over and over and over.  Similarly, I spoke with author and columnist Dave Barry and he admitted that writing humor was terribly difficult and […]

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What an Attitude

I spoke last night at the E. C. Green Cancer Center at Jennie Stuart Medical Center in Hopkinsville, KY (about 60 miles north of Nashville, TN).  For a rural area, this center is at the top of its game with state-of-the-art technology and some of the most warm, caring, and professional staff I’ve ever met. […]

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Hospice Article

Here’s an article I wrote for the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization on managing processes: Do it Well and Make it Fun:  Creating Excellence in All Processes

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Progressive Snapshot – A Better Deal for Good Drivers

In my last post, I mentioned that I switched my insurance carrier from Liberty Mutual to Progressive because of the $2400 I saved in premiums.  Another unique feature with Progressive is their Snapshot program. If you choose to participate, they send you a Snapshot device that attaches to your car.  I assume it’s some sort […]

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