Ron's Blog

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Prizes for Poop is Not a Bad Idea

I recently read an article about a Taiwanese city that offered an incentive to dog owners to clean up after their pets.  The prize?  A lottery ticket for every bag of poop turned in.  The top prize?  $2,100 in gold. That’s how you get people to do what you want them to do.  Inspire them […]

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Loudoun County Public Schools Does Orientation Well

For the past eight years, one of my favorite speaking engagements is for the Loudoun County Public Schools New Teacher Orientation.  The reason it’s such a treat for me is that they do a great job of making the new teachers feel welcome to the system. The day begins with a high school band and […]

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I'm Not Aways Motivated to Be Motivated

Have you ever worked on a project or task and felt like you were really cooking?  You are possessed by enthusiasm and energy.  Then, you go to lunch, come back, and you can’t even get motivated to look at it?  It happens to me all the time. In a wonderful article in Inc. Magazine, Jason […]

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Why You Do What You Do

I read an article in American  Motorcyclist Magazine titled, “8 Reasons to Feel Good About Riding a Motorcycle.”  The article addressed the environmental benefits of motorcycling including less emissions, gas use, and space taken.  I don’t think this is why most riders feel good about riding a motorcycle.  But the article did make me think […]

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National Speakers Association


I just returned from the National Speakers Association Convention where I spent 8 days with 1300 professional speakers, trainers, authors, and consultants.  These are my people and I had a wonderful time learning from some of the best in the business.  I thought I’d share some of the best insights I got: “Take a stand. […]

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Even Royal Protocol Can Be Fun

Canadian singer Meaghan Blanchard was singing for Prince William and his wife when she made a blunder of her attempt to honor them with their royal titles.  She mixed up the words “duke” and “duchess” and accidentally called Prince William a “douche.” Now, I’m sure she felt really bad at the time but in the […]

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Yankee Does the Right Thing

I love stories that show people doing the right thing – especially when it’s the opposite of what we all expect.  When Christian Lopez caught Derk Jeter’s 3,000th hit, we all probably fantasized about the potential revenue the ball could have generated for Lopez on eBay or Craig’s List. But he had a different fantasy. […]

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It's Never Too Late to Get Better

A 79 year-old great-grandmother, Tomasa Herrera, was helping her great-grandson with his homework but was struggling with some of the material (probably the same physics problems my son brought to me).  Her great-grandson said, “You need to go back to school, Grandma.” Thankfully, she didn’t whack him up side the head or send him to […]

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It Takes More Effort To Cheat Than to Do it Well

A Washington Post article reported that 140 teachers and 38 principals were involved in an organized cheating scandal to help students, schools, and districts meet targets required by standardized testing.  Here’s the full article:  Atlanta Public Schools Embroiled in Cheating Scandal I may be missing something here but wouldn’t it be better to put the […]

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Responsible Motorcycling

At the risk of offending some of my two-wheeling friends, I’d like to address a recent report about a motorcyclist who was killed while riding without a helmet in a protest against mandatory helmet laws.  The police reported that had this rider been wearing a helmet, he would have survived.  My condolences go out to […]

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