Ron's Blog

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Jon Acuff Does it Well and Makes it Really Fun(ny)

I had the privilege of interviewing Jon Acuff, bestselling author of Stuff Christians Like, Quitter and the soon-to-be-released Start. He is an amazing young man who struggled through eight jobs in eight years before he found his dream job as a writer and speaker. But as he will tell you, those are simply titles. The […]

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FedEx Kinko’s Is EXpensiveOh


My wife and I are building our retirement home. Let me rephrase that. My wife and I are building a home in which one day, God willing, we’ll retire. We just want to enjoy it before we get to the walker-and-pureed-food stage of our lives. We bought our house plans online at, coincidentally, and I […]

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Jerry Seinfeld’s Success is Based on Work Ethic

The New York Times did a wonderful article on Jerry Seinfeld. What stands out most is his amazing work ethic. While a solid work ethic certainly benefits most things in life and work, it is especially true when it comes to writing and more specifically writing comedy. It’s easy to get discouraged when you don’t […]

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Dear Hotel Manager


Dear Hotel Manager, I don’t ask for much. I don’t need an upgrade and I’m perfectly happy with a king, queen or even double bed. But lately, I’ve noticed some trends that I’d like to address them with you. First, the bath towels should be stored, well, next to the bath tub. While, placing them […]

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Get Better This Year by Being Practical

Ron’s latest Huffington Post blog: It’s that time of the year again. New resolutions, goals and to-do lists. My life goal is death. I don’t mean that in a morbid sense but in a that’s-where-we’re-all-headed sense. It’s what Stephen Covey meant when he said to “begin with the end in mind.” Ultimately, our life goals […]

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Too Many Goals for the Year? Keep It Simple

This year, my goals are to eat less sugar, drink less caffeine, eat more vegetables, exercise more, blog more, do more marketing, develop new material, engage in social media more, be a better husband, be a better father, study my devotionals more, ride my motorcycle more often, eat less sugar (really need to do this), […]

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NY Math Museum Turns Mundane Into Fun

When I show speakers how to add humor to a presentation, inevitably, an accountant or an engineer in the audience will say that they don’t see how they can make their topic funny. My initial thought is, “It’s just like an accountant or an engineer to think that way.” Then I remember that I’m married […]

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Grease Isn’t the Word. Discipline Is.

Remember the movie Grease? The title song goes, “Grease is the word, is the word, is the word.” Well, my word for 2013 is not “grease.” While it’s a perfectly good word, it really doesn’t do much for me. It’s just a bit, well, greasy. Discipline, on the other hand, is what I need. And […]

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A Post-Thanksgiving Reminder

Ron’s latest Huffington Post blog: I’m a big fan of Thanksgiving because the focus is so simple. It’s all about the food and the fellowship. Unlike Christmas, there are no Thanksgiving gifts, no special decorations, and no fear of offending someone who might not believe in turkey when I say, “Happy Thanksgiving.” This year, however, […]

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Please Don’t Pass Those Who Have Passed

I was on my way to a meeting the other day when I spotted a funeral procession a few cars in front of me. It was 7:30……in the morning……Eastern Standard Time. Who gets buried at that time of the day? Most people are not in that much of a hurry to get to the cemetery. Nonetheless, I […]

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