Ron's Blog

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Graduation Done Right

My niece graduated from eighth grade at St. Joseph’s School a few nights ago. It was a lovely ceremony that included a Catholic mass, music and the awarding of the diplomas. Unlike any other graduation I’ve ever attended, the teachers at St. Joe’s say something about each student when he or she receives their diploma. […]

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I Think I’m Wishing My Life Away


A few nights ago, on behalf of my Rotary Club, I volunteered at our town festival. And for five hours, I wanted it to be over. The festival is a wonderful annual event that includes carnival rides, food vendors, live music and thousands of people who show up just to have a good time. And […]

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How Do You Have Fun With Your Partner?

A few days ago, I asked friends on Facebook to share what they do to have fun with their spouse, partner or significant other. Here are some of the responses I got. “[censored]” (I thought that was funny!) “Family dinner each night. Walk along the lake Michigan beach.” “Go to concerts – from friend’s jazz […]

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Questions Make Good Connections

Ron’s latest Huffington Post Blog: What is the capital of Pennsylvania? It’s a good question designed to get a specific answer — an answer, by the way, that I remember using the mnemonic “Harry’s Pennies.” But it’s not the kind of question that necessarily leads to a good personal connection with others. And yet, questions […]

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Tsunami Motorcycle Story Was Important

A recent article in Harley Davidson’s Hog magazine reported that a Harley Davidson motorcycle washed ashore, still in the container, on the west coast of Canada months after the tsunami that struck Japan. The motorcycle was taken to the Harley museum but the curators were not sure how to handle the bike that had been […]

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Articles on Doing it Well and Making it Fun at Work

I recently ran across two excellent articles on success and fun in the work environment. The first is from Forbes called 10 Reasons Why Humor is the Key to Success at Work. Author Jacqueline Smith (apparently not the Charlie’s Angels one) references three experts who discuss the value of a fun work environment. Michael Kerr, […]

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High School Freshman Uses BASSic Skills to Support Charity

As parents, we get invited to a lot of events when our kids are growing up. There are band concerts, scouting events, graduation parties, and the occasional fundraiser to support the many extracurricular programs that seem to always need more funds to do what they do. Thank goodness my kids didn’t have to sell Amway […]

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Humor, Leadership and the White House Correspondents Dinner

Ron’s latest Huffington Post Blog: “I’m not the strapping young Muslim socialist that I used to be.” — Barack Obama “One of my favorite quotations about age comes from Thomas Jefferson. He said that we should never judge a president by his age, only by his work. And ever since he told me that…” — Ronald Reagan […]

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Royal Plaza on Scotts Does it Well and Has Fun!

I recently had the privilege of doing a presentation for the staff of the Royal Plaza on Scotts hotel in Singapore. Little did I know that they already embraced the concept of Do it Well, Make it Fun – perhaps even better than I do. In fact, the day I spoke, the local paper announced […]

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