Category: Values

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Understanding “Understanding”

Understanding “Understanding”

My wife will attest to the fact that I’m not the most patient person in traffic situations. My impatience also extends to a few other situations but for the sake of this article and protecting my sparkling image, I’ll stick to traffic. Here’s an example. While returning home from the airport recently, I stopped to […]

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Compassionate Basketball? That IS March Madness

Compassionate Basketball? That IS March Madness

About this time every year, we’re up to our foul lines with March Madness, the annual NCAA basketball tournament. Television stations are hijacked, advertisers produce basketball themed commercials, and offices are full of busted brackets. At the risk of jumping on the basketball bandwagon, I’d like to share a slightly different perspective that caused me […]

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The View From Inside Out


As the day begins, the dim light slowly exposes the wondrous nature that surrounds me. A little later, the sun will peek over the mountain range and a red-streaked sky will welcome a new day. Often, deer or wild turkeys (the feathered kind, not the bourbon kind) amble through the yard looking for food to […]

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Do Your Opponents Honor You?


In business and life, sports analogies can strike out (see how I did that?). For those who love sports, the connection makes perfect sense and can crystallize a concept like nothing else – especially the concept of teamwork. But for those who don’t love sports, a sports analogy can sound like a crying child at […]

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What We Can Learn From the Joy-Filled Art of Bob Ross

Bob Ross was an iconic figure from the public television world. Maybe not Sesame Street iconic or Mr. Rogers iconic but his show Joy of Painting was the most watched and most recognized art show in the history of television. It ran for 25 years with 403 episodes. But it was not the art, the […]

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Giving It Away On Purpose


I once wrote a funny line for the CEO of a non-profit hospice. He was kicking off a black-tie fundraiser and said, “We are a non-profit organization. We didn’t start out that way but that’s how it ended up. We need your donations tonight.” It got a good laugh…and quite a few donations! In the […]

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Graduation Done Right

My niece graduated from eighth grade at St. Joseph’s School a few nights ago. It was a lovely ceremony that included a Catholic mass, music and the awarding of the diplomas. Unlike any other graduation I’ve ever attended, the teachers at St. Joe’s say something about each student when he or she receives their diploma. […]

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Using Mistakes to Help Others

I’ve made a handful of mistakes in my life that still haunt me today. I guess we all have regrets and wish we could turn back the clock, return to a previous era, and make better choices with the knowledge we have today. For instance, I would have never eaten that sixth Slim Jim in […]

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Benefit of The Doubt

The phrase “benefit of the doubt” (BOTD) is a legal term. It refers to giving someone favorable judgement in the absence of all the evidence. Since I see you, the readers, as my collective therapists, I will confess to you that I’m not good at BOTD. I’m much better at the D part but not […]

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Giving IS Receiving

A retiring car dealer in Michigan gave each of his employees $1,000 for each year they worked at his 47-year-old car dealership.  As a way of thanking his employees, Howard Cooper gave each a cash payment when he sold his dealership – including one loyal long-term employee who received $46,000. You can read the article […]

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