Category: Creativity

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Holstee Has a Great Mission Statement

In the February 2012 edition of Inc. Magazine, I read an article about clothing company Holstee’s unique mission statement.  Co-founder Fabian Pfortmüller said that they realized that their business was not only about the product or service they deliver but at the end of the day, it was also about the lifestyle they created.  As […]

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College Classes CAN Be Fun

Dr. Raymond Bice may have been the most popular professor in the history of the University of Virginia.  Although, if Thomas Jefferson taught, in the early days, I’m sure he had a good story or two.  But Dr. Bice, who taught the introductory psychology class, was the Lady Gaga of Pysch 101. I was a […]

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Treehotel Is Not For the Birds!

OK, so this new Treehotel falls into the category of done well and really fun.  The Treehotel in Harads, Sweden was built, literally, in the trees.  The six treerooms are located in unspoiled nature just outside this small town of 600 people. Here is a short description from their website: The idea behind Treehotel is […]

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Prizes for Poop is Not a Bad Idea

I recently read an article about a Taiwanese city that offered an incentive to dog owners to clean up after their pets.  The prize?  A lottery ticket for every bag of poop turned in.  The top prize?  $2,100 in gold. That’s how you get people to do what you want them to do.  Inspire them […]

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I'm Not Aways Motivated to Be Motivated

Have you ever worked on a project or task and felt like you were really cooking?  You are possessed by enthusiasm and energy.  Then, you go to lunch, come back, and you can’t even get motivated to look at it?  It happens to me all the time. In a wonderful article in Inc. Magazine, Jason […]

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Why You Do What You Do

I read an article in American  Motorcyclist Magazine titled, “8 Reasons to Feel Good About Riding a Motorcycle.”  The article addressed the environmental benefits of motorcycling including less emissions, gas use, and space taken.  I don’t think this is why most riders feel good about riding a motorcycle.  But the article did make me think […]

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Clever Breast Cancer Awareness

I was on a flight to Phoenix this week and a man two seats in front of me stood up to leave. I noticed this on the back of his t-shirt: DON’T LET CANCER STEAL SECOND BASE Now, I know that this could be viewed as a very chauvinistic perspective but I think it a […]

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Doing it Well Means Doing The Work…Even When It's Fun

Sometimes we look at famous comedians and assume they were just born funny and that they don’t have to work at it.  In the movie Comedian, Jerry Seinfeld works his material over and over and over.  Similarly, I spoke with author and columnist Dave Barry and he admitted that writing humor was terribly difficult and […]

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Finding the Stories in Medicine

I’m a big believer in the power of stories to connect to others and to share important information metaphorically.  In the past few years, we have seen an increase in the use of stories in corporate environments to tell the story of the company, the products, and the customers. I think most staff want to […]

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A Well Done and Very Fun Video

The following YouTube Video is probably one of the best examples I’ve seen of doing things well and making them fun.  The amount of time it took to execute and record the video is the well done part.  The rest is pure fun.

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