Author: Ron Culberson

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Live Well. Have Fun.

Welcome to a new feature on my blog. The goal of Live Well, Have Fun is to review products and services to see if they live up to the Do it Well, Make it Fun Test. Additionally, it will be good accountability for me to see if I, too, am Living Well and Having Fun! […]

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Live Well. Have Fun.


Welcome to a new feature on my blog. The goal of Live Well, Have Fun is to review products and services to see if they live up to the Do it Well, Make it Fun Test. Additionally, it will be good accountability for me to see if I, too, am Living Well and Having Fun! […]

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Giving IS Receiving

A retiring car dealer in Michigan gave each of his employees $1,000 for each year they worked at his 47-year-old car dealership.  As a way of thanking his employees, Howard Cooper gave each a cash payment when he sold his dealership – including one loyal long-term employee who received $46,000. You can read the article […]

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Stress Doesn’t Have to Be that Stressful

Ron’s newest Huffington Post blog: Did you know that stress is not inherently stressful? Sounds impossible, right? Well, it turns out that if stress were inherently stressful, we would all be stressed by the same things. And we’re not. Some people are stressed by traffic. Some aren’t. Some people are stressed by their families. Some […]

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Making Your Writing Better and More Fun

This is a great article from Ragan Communications on how to improve your writing.  Here is a taste and a link to the entire article. The artwork of M.C. Escher shows crazy worlds in which staircases appear to go nowhere and people “sit” upside down or sideways. The plywood pillar at your local museum is […]

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German Urinals Are Aiming for Success


WARNING:  This is a blog with TMI (Too Much Information).  Read at your own discretion. A few days ago, I was in Duseldorf, Germany.  I was there as president of the National Speakers Association visiting our German counterparts at the German Speakers Association Convention.  It was a great experience and my hosts were both gracious […]

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Good Communication is as Simple as Paying Attention

Ron’s newest Huffington Post blog: The Democratic and Republican conventions are a fascinating study in communication. While most of the speakers are communicators, they’re also saying what their constituents want to hear. There’s a lot of “he said, she said, we all want some ice cream” (or something like that). The challenge with political speeches […]

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Now Doesn’t Last Forever

Ron’s newest Huffington Post blog posted today: It’s Thursday, and our week has been a flurry of activity. Our traditional end-of-the-summer meal was on Tuesday. My son and I played golf yesterday, and last night the whole family attended a baseball game. My wife is taking my daughter to a concert tonight. You see, we’re […]

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Grin Whether You Want To Or Not

Researchers at the University of Kansas discovered what many already knew.  Grinning makes you feel better.   The study  by Dr. Sarah Pressman indicates that even a fake smile makes us more relaxed.  You can read a longer report here CBS News. Doing things well sometimes means doing tings when you don’t feel like it. […]

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Humor is More than a Punchline

Ron’s newest Huffington Post Blog posted today: As a hospice social worker, my role was to provide psychosocial counseling to terminally ill patients and their families. Once, I was on my way to visit a patient and, unbeknownst to me, I was given the wrong directions to the patient’s house. I should have taken the […]

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