Alta Vista Chamber of Commerce – Doing it Well

I recently had the privilege of speaking for the Alta Vista Chamber of Commerce’s annual awards dinner. I love these events because they bring businesses together and recognize them for what they’re doing to keep the business community strong. And in turn, I believe it makes the entire community strong. If you’d like to read […]

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The View From Inside Out


As the day begins, the dim light slowly exposes the wondrous nature that surrounds me. A little later, the sun will peek over the mountain range and a red-streaked sky will welcome a new day. Often, deer or wild turkeys (the feathered kind, not the bourbon kind) amble through the yard looking for food to […]

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Happy New…Day!


OK, be honest. How many resolutions have you created for 2014? Now, be really honest. How many have you already decided you’ll put off until 2015? This time of the year is full of possibilities. We’ll lose 20 pounds. We’ll exercise every day. We’ll demonstrate a more positive attitude. And we’ll finally cut the comb-over […]

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Moving Into 2014


Around 2:00 a.m., as I came back to bed from an all-too-common, middle-of-the-night trip to the bathroom, I ran into the corner of the bed. The impact and the expletive that followed woke my wife. Yesterday, I could not find my favorite pair of jeans. They seem to have been abducted by denim fairies. Last […]

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Leadership as a Service Rather Than a Destination


What do you think of when you hear the word “service”? Do you think of service organizations like Rotary International? Do you think about the start of a tennis point? Or do you think of what always seems to be missing at Denny’s? When you hear service applied to leadership, as in “servant leadership,” you […]

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The 4-Step Formula for Seeing Humor in the World

A reprint from Speaker Magazine, the magazine of the National Speakers Association. One of the most common questions funny people get is, “How do you ever come up with that stuff?” As a professional humorist (as opposed to an amateur humorist or even an unprofessional humorist), I can tell you that there is a formula […]

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Can’t You See You Need Help?


The problem with mirrors is that they lie. Or perhaps, more accurately, they don’t tell the whole truth. Mirrors will show you the cavernous lines on your forehead that have become more pronounced as you’ve aged but they don’t show you that these lines got there because you frowned too much at your spouse. Mirrors […]

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What Humor Are You Missing?

My friend Bob Orben contacted me after reading my blog entitled, “What Are You Missing” which was about missing opportunities in life because we’re not looking for them – because we’re not paying attention. He pointed out that paying attention is also the basis for writing humor. It involves seeing beyond what’s on the surface […]

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The Need to Belong


Groucho Marx once said that he would never join a club that would have him as a member. It’s interesting that no matter how unique we are or how much we want to stand out in the crowd, we also have a need to belong – to be included. Parkland Regional Burn Center, a division […]

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