Tag: Skills

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

I Do Not Hunt or Peck

I Do Not Hunt or Peck

At the risk of ruining my machismo image, I will openly admit that THE best class I ever took was Mrs. Showalter’s tenth grade typing class. It was head and shoulders above any other class I had including Clinical Psychology, Calculus II, and Human Sexuality (Although I did not miss one day of that class). […]

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Where We Are and How We Got There

Where We Are and How We Got There

Did you ever wake up in the morning and think, “How did I get here?” I’m not suggesting that you had too many fuzzy navels on spring break or that aliens abducted you in the middle of the night. I’m referring to that realization that occurs when we’re at a certain point in our lives […]

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Doing vs. Thinking

Doing vs. Thinking

When I was in high school, I was a pretty good tennis player. Beginning in tenth grade and through my senior year, I was the best player in my school. But let me put that in perspective. Since I lived in a rural area of Appalachia, there were not a lot of tennis players in […]

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Un-Handy Man

Un-Handy Man

Since many of us are homebound and attempting household projects, I thought I’d share an article that originally appeared in the Herndon Observer Newspaper and then later in my book, If Not Now, When? Enjoy. Here’s an equation I never learned in college calculus: DASHP = 10 × TYTIWT (the duration of any simple home […]

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Just Turn Your Perspective Over

Just Turn Your Perspective Over

What drives me crazy about politics is that we usually only hear about the views on one side or another. Even though there are gray areas to almost every issue, many people refuse to see an alternative view. And unfortunately, if we’re not careful, we can go through life with limited perspectives just like that. The […]

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Are You Customizing Your Skills?

Are You Customizing Your Skills?

Each of us has unique skills that we can use in our life and work. Sometimes, however, it takes a while to figure out just what those skills are. Early in my career, I heard other speakers talk about how they customized every presentation they did. They would interview people, read organizational documents, and then […]

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Making a Living by Doing What You Love

Making a Living by Doing What You Love

A writer friend once said that she quit going to writers’ conferences because everyone was depressed and unemployed. Putting herself in that kind of environment didn’t make her very excited about a career in writing. It seems that many people find it hard to use their artistic talents for a financially viable career. I think […]

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WE Are Our Greatest Asset

WE Are Our Greatest Asset

When I help speakers or leaders with their presentation skills, I don’t typically focus on techniques such as voice inflection, hand gestures or eye contact. While these can play an important role in a great presentation, I believe that our greatest asset is who we are, not necessarily what we do. When it comes to […]

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What IS Leadership, Really?


Is anyone befuddled by the fall from grace of so many leaders? Is anyone befuddled by the choices some leaders make as if nobody is watching? Is anyone captivated by the word befuddled? OK, maybe that last one is just me. Let’s be very clear. Part of the challenge for leaders is that they are […]

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How to Make Difficult Tasks More Fun

Ron’s latest Huffington Post blog: There are certain things I’m just not good at. For instance, I’m not very good at household repairs, knitting, or interpreting the meaning of a movie like Citizen Kane. So, when it comes to these things, I let the professionals do their job and I simply admire their work. But […]

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