Tag: humor

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Adjusting Your Humor Antenna

Adjusting Your Humor Antenna

The word antenna is becoming one of those words that is only familiar to people over a certain age. I must be one of those people because when I was young, there was an antenna on everything—our car, our house, and our radio. Today, antennae are few and far between. But the purpose of those […]

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Just Be Nice

Just Be Nice

We had just finished a lovely Valentine’s Day meal, celebrating the day after Valentine’s Day since we can never get a table at a decent restaurant on Valentine’s Day, and our server brought the bill. I placed my credit card on top of the bill accompanied by a two-for-one coupon. The server said, “Hrrrumph, you […]

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Zig When Others Zag

Zig When Others Zag

I travel quite a bit and I must admit that I’m a bit of a customer service snob. It’s not that I expect to be treated like royalty, you knave. It’s just that if I’m paying for a service, I feel I should be treated as if I matter. Recently, I was renting a car […]

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The Power of Focus

The Power of Focus

I admit that I am not always laser focused. The one situation where I am focused is when I’m speaking in front of a large group of people. Give me an audience of 4,000 and my mind is sharp, my focus is clear, and my humor is hah-larious. But put me in a room by […]

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A Case Study in Culture Change

A Case Study in Culture Change

I sometimes joke that my presentations are “deeply shallow.” On the surface, they’re funny. And yet the deeper meaning sinks in later, despite the funny. In fact, due to the humorous nature of my programs, I’m usually hired to deliver keynote addresses at conferences and meetings. The shorter format fits my style really well. Plus, […]

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Well, That Was Awkward

Well, That Was Awkward

One of our favorite restaurants has an eclectic menu. The owners are a German-Chinese couple so, you can order Wiener schnitzel and spaetzle with a side of moo goo gai pan. The food is delicious but the entertainment is odder than the menu. On most weekend nights, a woman dressed in lederhosen plays an accordion […]

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A Brief Lesson in Observation

A Brief Lesson in Observation

When my niece was a baby, her mother sang the following song to her and every time the words “see” or “sea” came up, she’d raise my niece’s hands to uproarious laughter. A sailor went to sea. To see what he could see. But all that he could see, Was the the bottom of the […]

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Customer Poker

Customer Poker

In the poker game of life, it’s not so much about the hand you’re dealt but how you play it. Sometimes, we spend so much time focusing on the bad hand, we fail to see the opportunities for playing our hand differently that are right under our noses. Recently, I visited a Denver restaurant with […]

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A Dose of Humor Each Day is…Funny

A Dose of Humor Each Day is…Funny

One of the common questions funny people get asked is, “How does the lint get into my belly button?” This is a fair question. I’m not a doctor, but I believe it has something to do with our daily intake of fiber. The most common question funny people get asked is, “How did you get […]

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Can You Laugh at Your Mistakes?

Can You Laugh at Your Mistakes?

Thanks to my friend Lisa Rochlin Novick for this hilarious story. I have friend who is a Catholic priest. His name is Father John.  The other day he told me this story: He was asked to preside over a wedding and the groom’s name was Rusty.  But Father John called him “Randy” during the ceremony. […]

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