Ron's Blog

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Using Mistakes to Help Others

I’ve made a handful of mistakes in my life that still haunt me today. I guess we all have regrets and wish we could turn back the clock, return to a previous era, and make better choices with the knowledge we have today. For instance, I would have never eaten that sixth Slim Jim in […]

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4 Keys to Developing and Maintaining Friendships

Ron’s latest Huffington Post Blog: As the old saying goes, you can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose. That is, unless you’ve developed some really close friendship! We need friendships in our lives to supplement our existing romantic, marital or family relationships. Yet most adult […]

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United I Stand, Qantas I’m Full

Dear United Airlines, I’m a big fan. I love having 1K status (even though I don’t understand how “1K” represents 100,000 miles flown). I’m grateful that I can board early so my carry-on bags have a home in the overhead bin and not under the seat in front of me where the feet on the […]

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Dave Grohl is a Great Musician…and Speaker?

Dave Grohl recently delivered the keynote address at the 2013 South By Southwest (SXSW) music, film, and media conference in Austin, TX. You can see his keynote in the YouTube clip below. Anyone who is a fan of Grohl’s music knows that his performances as the drummer in Nirvana and the front man for the […]

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Stepping Out of the Routine

Many of us live in an world of regular routines and yet we have multiple opportunities to live in a world of new experiences. The familiar can limiting but the unfamiliar can open up many possibilities. My daily exercise routine often takes the form of brisk walking through our neighborhood and then through an adjacent cemetery. […]

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Is Yahoo Sacrificing Employees for Excellence?

Yahoo recently announced that it will eliminate telecommuting, or working from home, because company leaders believe the office environment fosters collaboration, productivity, efficiency and yes, fun that can’t be accomplished if everyone is working from home. As you can imagine, Yahoo employees are reacting somewhat negatively to this decision. On the surface, Yahoo’s decision may […]

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What to Do When Conflict Happens

Ron’s latest Huffington Post Blog: Whenever I encounter conflict, something in the pit of my stomach turns and I feel a burst of adrenaline shoot through my body. It’s that instinctual fight-or-flight mechanism preparing me for battle… or to run. If the conflict occurs in a dark alley and involves more than a dozen people, […]

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Bias, Civility and Discourse in a Highly Connected World

As I’ve said before, I can be a pretty judgmental person. I don’t like being that way but I find that it’s almost automatic. And the outcome of my judgmentalism is usually a criticism, whether internally thought or externally spoken, of another person’s behavior or words. And almost always, this judgmentalism comes from my biases. […]

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Newsletter – Jon Acuff Finds His Dream Job

An excerpt from our Do it Well, Make it Fun Newsletter: One of the great blessings in my life, other than my good looks and charm, is that I get to do what I love for a living. I love being a speaker. I love being an author. And when people laugh, I love being […]

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Benefit of The Doubt

The phrase “benefit of the doubt” (BOTD) is a legal term. It refers to giving someone favorable judgement in the absence of all the evidence. Since I see you, the readers, as my collective therapists, I will confess to you that I’m not good at BOTD. I’m much better at the D part but not […]

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