Ron's Blog

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Lessons for Little Ones (and Big Ones Too)

Lessons for Little Ones (and Big Ones Too)

(Photo of Ron Culberson as a child, wanting to be a grown up!)   I’m in my second month of being a new grandfather. I don’t know if I’m any good at it but I do know that I’m more comfortable with a baby than I was when I was a new father. In fact, […]

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I Thought I Was Being Clever

I Thought I Was Being Clever

When I was a teenager, I didn’t drink, didn’t smoke, and didn’t engage in other wayward behavior. I was basically a rule-following nerd. However, since I was a funny and somewhat clever rule-following nerd, I did occasionally harm others with painful wordplay. I probably should have received some sort of pun-ishment (see what I mean?). […]

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A Brush With Celebrity

A Brush With Celebrity

One of the benefits of being a strikingly good looking, hilariously funny, and humble professional speaker is that I’ve gotten to learn from some pretty cool people over the years. Once, I got to spend time backstage chatting with Rabbi Harold Kushner, author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People. I also had dinner […]

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Tumbling Into a Partnership

Tumbling Into a Partnership

A few weeks ago, we gathered at the Georgetown University chapel for my son’s wedding. Georgetown is a Jesuit university. Our children grew up in the Presbyterian church but my son’s new wife is Catholic. So, he had to jump through a few holy hoops before finalizing the “I do’s.”  This is not unfamiliar to […]

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Are Siri and My Wife the Same Person?

Are Siri and My Wife the Same Person?

One day, I was on a ladder washing our second-floor windows. My wife, Wendy, came outside, looked up at me and said, “I think you’re too old to be climbing on ladders.” The irony is that I regularly get on ladders for firefighter training and just recently hauled a hose up a ladder to help […]

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The Humor Offensive

The Humor Offensive

Twenty years ago, I was speaking to several hundred people who worked for the regional division of a national non-profit organization. At that time, I had not written any books so I sold cassette tapes of my presentations. For those of you who may not be familiar with this technology, cassette tapes were prehistoric methods […]

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I Do Not Hunt or Peck

I Do Not Hunt or Peck

At the risk of ruining my machismo image, I will openly admit that THE best class I ever took was Mrs. Showalter’s tenth grade typing class. It was head and shoulders above any other class I had including Clinical Psychology, Calculus II, and Human Sexuality (Although I did not miss one day of that class). […]

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A Curiously Funny Life

A Curiously Funny Life

In 2013, at the National Speakers Association Convention, Ron Culberson presented the Master of Influence Award to Robert “Bob” Orben for a lifetime of influencing others with his words. Bob died on February 2, 2023, at the age of ninety five. The following is an edited article Ron wrote in 2013 about Bob and his […]

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It’s Handy to Learn

It’s Handy to Learn

I’ve said it before. I’ll say it again. I’m not as handy as I would like to be. One of my friends can completely gut and then rebuild a bathroom without cutting the wrong wires, puncturing any water pipes, or falling through the floor into the basement. I’ve done damage to drywall by simply trying […]

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I Got Alarmed

I Got Alarmed

Recently, I was working a volunteer shift at the local fire station. About an hour before the shift ended, I got an alert on my phone indicating that the smoke detector in our home laundry room had been activated. The smoke detection system in our house used to be hardwired to the electrical system. But […]

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