Ron's Blog

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Does Your Perspective Make Your “But” Look Big?

Does Your Perspective Make Your “But” Look Big?

Sunday was one of the most beautiful days I have ever experienced. But the pollen was suffocating. The gift I got for my birthday was exactly what I asked for. But it wasn’t what I thought it would be. My meal last night was delicious. But the servings were much too large. Sound familiar? Does […]

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Compassionate Basketball? That IS March Madness

Compassionate Basketball? That IS March Madness

About this time every year, we’re up to our foul lines with March Madness, the annual NCAA basketball tournament. Television stations are hijacked, advertisers produce basketball themed commercials, and offices are full of busted brackets. At the risk of jumping on the basketball bandwagon, I’d like to share a slightly different perspective that caused me […]

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The Weather App and Life’s Prognostication

On October 10, 1979, when I was in my first year of college, the University of Virginia got three inches of snow. A few days later the student newspaper reported that we had witnessed three inches of “partly cloudy” — which had been the weather forecast for that day. You’d think we’d see a significant […]

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A Parenting Principle

When we were expecting our first child, I had a hard time grasping the idea of being a parent. I suspect that I, like most men, was more preoccupied with the conception of a child than the raising of one. As a young man, I wasn’t quite sure if I was responsible enough for myself […]

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There is an Art (and Skill) to Everything


Recently, a colleague said to me, “I guess there really is an art to running a meeting.” The comment came after we had spent two hours that felt like several days in an airtight room with blinding fluorescent lights where the chair of our volunteer committee not only had trouble keeping to the agenda but […]

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Simple Self Help

Simple Self Help

Do you like personal development books or are you basically content with your current level of mediocrity? Unless there is a major problem, most of us are happy with the status quo. Or perhaps you’re a personal development addict and read self-help books incessantly. If so, have you gotten better or are you more of […]

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Alta Vista Chamber of Commerce – Doing it Well

I recently had the privilege of speaking for the Alta Vista Chamber of Commerce’s annual awards dinner. I love these events because they bring businesses together and recognize them for what they’re doing to keep the business community strong. And in turn, I believe it makes the entire community strong. If you’d like to read […]

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The View From Inside Out


As the day begins, the dim light slowly exposes the wondrous nature that surrounds me. A little later, the sun will peek over the mountain range and a red-streaked sky will welcome a new day. Often, deer or wild turkeys (the feathered kind, not the bourbon kind) amble through the yard looking for food to […]

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Happy New…Day!


OK, be honest. How many resolutions have you created for 2014? Now, be really honest. How many have you already decided you’ll put off until 2015? This time of the year is full of possibilities. We’ll lose 20 pounds. We’ll exercise every day. We’ll demonstrate a more positive attitude. And we’ll finally cut the comb-over […]

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Moving Into 2014


Around 2:00 a.m., as I came back to bed from an all-too-common, middle-of-the-night trip to the bathroom, I ran into the corner of the bed. The impact and the expletive that followed woke my wife. Yesterday, I could not find my favorite pair of jeans. They seem to have been abducted by denim fairies. Last […]

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