Category: Excellence

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Using Mistakes to Help Others

I’ve made a handful of mistakes in my life that still haunt me today. I guess we all have regrets and wish we could turn back the clock, return to a previous era, and make better choices with the knowledge we have today. For instance, I would have never eaten that sixth Slim Jim in […]

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Dave Grohl is a Great Musician…and Speaker?

Dave Grohl recently delivered the keynote address at the 2013 South By Southwest (SXSW) music, film, and media conference in Austin, TX. You can see his keynote in the YouTube clip below. Anyone who is a fan of Grohl’s music knows that his performances as the drummer in Nirvana and the front man for the […]

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Is Yahoo Sacrificing Employees for Excellence?

Yahoo recently announced that it will eliminate telecommuting, or working from home, because company leaders believe the office environment fosters collaboration, productivity, efficiency and yes, fun that can’t be accomplished if everyone is working from home. As you can imagine, Yahoo employees are reacting somewhat negatively to this decision. On the surface, Yahoo’s decision may […]

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Bias, Civility and Discourse in a Highly Connected World

As I’ve said before, I can be a pretty judgmental person. I don’t like being that way but I find that it’s almost automatic. And the outcome of my judgmentalism is usually a criticism, whether internally thought or externally spoken, of another person’s behavior or words. And almost always, this judgmentalism comes from my biases. […]

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Newsletter – Jon Acuff Finds His Dream Job

An excerpt from our Do it Well, Make it Fun Newsletter: One of the great blessings in my life, other than my good looks and charm, is that I get to do what I love for a living. I love being a speaker. I love being an author. And when people laugh, I love being […]

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Jon Acuff Does it Well and Makes it Really Fun(ny)

I had the privilege of interviewing Jon Acuff, bestselling author of Stuff Christians Like, Quitter and the soon-to-be-released Start. He is an amazing young man who struggled through eight jobs in eight years before he found his dream job as a writer and speaker. But as he will tell you, those are simply titles. The […]

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Too Many Goals for the Year? Keep It Simple

This year, my goals are to eat less sugar, drink less caffeine, eat more vegetables, exercise more, blog more, do more marketing, develop new material, engage in social media more, be a better husband, be a better father, study my devotionals more, ride my motorcycle more often, eat less sugar (really need to do this), […]

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Grease Isn’t the Word. Discipline Is.

Remember the movie Grease? The title song goes, “Grease is the word, is the word, is the word.” Well, my word for 2013 is not “grease.” While it’s a perfectly good word, it really doesn’t do much for me. It’s just a bit, well, greasy. Discipline, on the other hand, is what I need. And […]

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Live Well. Have Fun.


Welcome to a new feature on my blog. The goal of Live Well, Have Fun is to review products and services to see if they live up to the Do it Well, Make it Fun Test. Additionally, it will be good accountability for me to see if I, too, am Living Well and Having Fun! […]

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German Urinals Are Aiming for Success


WARNING:  This is a blog with TMI (Too Much Information).  Read at your own discretion. A few days ago, I was in Duseldorf, Germany.  I was there as president of the National Speakers Association visiting our German counterparts at the German Speakers Association Convention.  It was a great experience and my hosts were both gracious […]

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