Author: Ron Culberson

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Are You Customizing Your Skills?

Are You Customizing Your Skills?

Each of us has unique skills that we can use in our life and work. Sometimes, however, it takes a while to figure out just what those skills are. Early in my career, I heard other speakers talk about how they customized every presentation they did. They would interview people, read organizational documents, and then […]

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We Just Want the 411

We Just Want the 411

When I was young, we dialed 411 or “Information” on the telephone when we needed to find out the time, the weather, or someone’s phone number. Today we use Google or Siri to find just about anything we need. But sometimes, in the middle of a conversation, we may need clarification or more details to […]

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Taking the “Ech” out of Technology

Taking the “Ech” out of Technology

Whenever anyone complains about the challenges of today’s technology, I always reboot my memory back to my first social work job when I had to fill out forms by hand…in triplicate…using carbon paper. For those of you who are too young to remember carbon paper, just imagine a piece of paper that’s slick on one […]

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Just Being

Just Being

I recently got demoted by United Airlines. Well, that’s not exactly true. They didn’t really demote me. I just didn’t fly as much last year so my frequent flyer status is lower. In the big scheme of things, this is not a big deal. It’s not a serious illness; it’s not a car accident; it’s […]

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Living in a World of Impermanence

Living in a World of Impermanence

The C&O Restaurant in Charlottesville, VA is a very special place for my wife and me. Back in 1982, when I was in college, I had more hair but less money. I took my then girlfriend Wendy to the C&O Restaurant for Valentine’s Day. We had a wonderful evening but the meal set me back […]

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Yep, I’m an Extroverted Introvert

Yep, I’m an Extroverted Introvert

For years, I’ve bragged about turning a social disability of talking too much into a lucrative career as a professional speaker. My loquaciousness (that’s “blabbing” for you non-talkers) works well for my job but can be a challenge for my wife who has spent the last thirty-one years becoming a professional listener. Thankfully, she rarely […]

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It’s Good to Retreat

It’s Good to Retreat

I remember a colleague once saying that he no longer went on “retreats” but preferred to go on “advances.” I like that. A retreat should always lead to an advance. And recently, I experienced a retreat that might very well advance me into a good place in the future. It all started with a casual […]

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What Do You See?

What Do You See?

I made an interesting discovery the other day. It turns out that I have a fairly noticeable birthmark on the back of my head, and I only just discovered it…at 57 years of age. Geez. Last week, I was trimming the ever-decreasing band of hair around my head. Oh, and yes, I do my own […]

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What I Learned – Sentara and Pharmacy Summit

What I Learned – Sentara and Pharmacy Summit

Welcome to Ron’s video blog called “What I Learned” where he describes what he has learned from his clients. If you click the link below, you will land on the video page to see Ron’s smiling face and hear his sultry voice! Or if you prefer to avoid all of that, you can read the […]

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A String of Silliness

A String of Silliness

When I was young, I got some great toys on Christmas and for my birthdays. For instance, one year, I asked for a Johnny Lightning race car set. This was a cool toy where you used a manual accelerator to shove race cars around an oval track. And I did get that particular toy for […]

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