Date: August2013

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Setting Fun Limits

As a leader or even an employee, it is sometimes necessary to set limits with other people. They walk into your office, interrupt conversations or send you emails with questionably funny jokes or photos attached. In order to function in a leadership role and just to get your work done, you must set limits on […]

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Would You Like a Little Feedback?


Has anyone ever come up to you and said, “Would you like a little feedback?” As a speaker, it happens to me with some regularity. And my knee-jerk, unfiltered, slightly exaggerated response is always the same. “Hell, no!” Luckily, I only say this in my head and not out loud. But my reaction is based […]

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What IS Leadership, Really?


Is anyone befuddled by the fall from grace of so many leaders? Is anyone befuddled by the choices some leaders make as if nobody is watching? Is anyone captivated by the word befuddled? OK, maybe that last one is just me. Let’s be very clear. Part of the challenge for leaders is that they are […]

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