Tag: behavior

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Are You Worth Your Salt? (Part 2)

Are You Worth Your Salt? (Part 2)

In my last article, I mentioned a phrase from my childhood about our being “worth our salt.” If you didn’t read it, click here: Are You Worth Your Salt? This article continues to focus on the remaining principles which I embrace. Hopefully, by seeing them, you will think more purposefully about the principles you value. […]

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Are You Worth Your Salt?

Are You Worth Your Salt?

Several years ago in Golf Digest magazine, I read a story about a young golfer named Charlie Siem. He was playing in a tournament and after making the winning putt, he bent down to retrieve his ball from the cup. Immediately, he realized that the ball in the cup was not his. At some point […]

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Would You Like a Little Feedback?


Has anyone ever come up to you and said, “Would you like a little feedback?” As a speaker, it happens to me with some regularity. And my knee-jerk, unfiltered, slightly exaggerated response is always the same. “Hell, no!” Luckily, I only say this in my head and not out loud. But my reaction is based […]

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