Ron's Blog

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Taken For Granted

Taken For Granted

Have you ever considered how much we take for granted every day? Most of us don’t have to worry about basic necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter. When we do, we become acutely aware of their value. However, if we look beyond these basics, there are many important conveniences that we may not even […]

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Sit Before You Leap

Sit Before You Leap

I think I have a bit of a split personality. At times, I lean towards a stereotypical male approach of fixing things. If the faucet drips, I’m on edge until I de-drip it. If there is a squeak in a door hinge, the sound will drive me nuts until I oil it. And if my […]

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Oh, Now I Get It

Oh, Now I Get It

I will admit that I may be not the sharpest tool in the shed. Yet, what I lack in intelligence, I make up for with common sense and good looks. But my stunning appearance is not the point of this blog. Instead, I’d like to discuss how my occasional thickheadedness can interfere with simple communication. […]

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Our Behavior and Our Reputation

Our Behavior and Our Reputation

Someone once said that we judge ourselves based on what we’re capable of doing but others judge us by what we’ve already done. This comment seems to address our reputation and unfortunately, our internal measure of reputation is not always in sync with the external evidence. I think of myself as a kind, witty, and […]

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An Optimist and a Pessimist Walk Into a Bar

An Optimist and a Pessimist Walk Into a Bar

Here’s a somewhat funny story from my first book. Enjoy. My wife Wendy and I lived in the same dorm during our first year at the University of Virginia. We met on the balcony a day or two after we moved in. She was wearing cute shorts and t-shirt. I was wearing bibbed overalls and […]

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Question Everything

Question Everything

My wife Wendy is really good at asking questions. She doesn’t ask them in an annoying way like “You did what?” or  “Why can’t you put the lid down?” or “Who let the dogs out?” Instead, she asks them in both a thoughtful and interested way. If you watch her in a conversation, you’ll see […]

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Can You Be Productive…Twice?

Can You Be Productive…Twice?

I’ve never been much of a runner. In high school, I did participate on the track team for a couple of years but I focused on short races rather than long-distance events. I guess that’s why I’m pretty good at running to the bathroom but not much else. And even though I only competed in […]

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Just Turn Your Perspective Over

Just Turn Your Perspective Over

What drives me crazy about politics is that we usually only hear about the views on one side or another. Even though there are gray areas to almost every issue, many people refuse to see an alternative view. And unfortunately, if we’re not careful, we can go through life with limited perspectives just like that. The […]

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Skinny Dip is Not What You Think

Skinny Dip is Not What You Think

It never occurred to me, during the summer before my final year of college, to pursue an internship in my field of study. Of course, I was a pre-med student with a psychology major and a drama minor so I’m not even sure what type of internship that would have been. Maybe a job where […]

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Where’s the Value in Success?

Where’s the Value in Success?

One of my favorite movies is It’s a Wonderful Life. In addition to an ending that always makes me tear up, I love the theme of this film. George Bailey works at the Bailey Bros. Building and Loan in Bedford Falls and throughout his entire life, he longs for greater adventures. He wants to go […]

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