Ron's Blog

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

How Disciplined Are You?

I’m writing my third book and decided to retreat to a beach house in Duck, NC.  The isolation has helped me to focus on why I’m here – to write. As inspiration, I re-read Stephen King’s book On Writing.  It’s a tremendous book and it covers the essential ingredients in good writing without getting weighed […]

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Food That Tastes Like (Other) Food

I love to find something that really combines the qualities of excellence and fun.  Recently, courtesy of my Mental Floss blog feed, I ran across this great article about Homaro Cantu and Ben Roche who have turned the food world upside down by exploring ways of substituting unhealthy or environmentally unfriendly foods with similar tastes […]

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Scouting Should Be Cool

This bumper sticker was proudly displayed in the back window of a car parked in front of me yesterday.  It was blocking the driver’s line of sight.  He (or she) must really be proud to sacrifice personal safety just to tell the world about his (or her) Eagle Scout.  I wonder if the eagle scout […]

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Working Through The Pain Feels Good

To become good at anything, we must work through the pain. Malcolm Gladwell refers to this as the 10,000 hour rule in his book Outliers.  Most successful people put in 10,000 hours of practice, work, or experience before they become successful.  But if you’re like me, you have a tendency to give in to the […]

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Welcome to My New Blog

This new blog, “Do it Well.  Make it Fun.” will focus on combining excellence with humor and fun.  Check back here regularly for comments and resources that illustrate how people and organizations do things well and have fun along the way.

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Human Services

“For the first and only time, ALL staff thoroughly enjoyed a day’s training.”
– Lara Meeker, Arlington Department of Human Services

As a social worker, Ron truly understands the human services environment.  From the mission focus of the agency to the caring attitude of the employees, Ron’s hilarious programs help staff and managers to avoid burnout and to make the most of a challenging job.  Here are a few of Ron’s human services clients:

Arlington Department of Human Services
Goodwill Industries
Fairfax County Agency on Aging
Parents Anonymous
Virginia Department of Social Services

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