Anyone who has tried to be funny knows that there are times when it just doesn’t work. Here is a hilarious example of an Australian news anchor who tries to tell the Dalai Lama a Dalai Lama joke.
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Anyone who has tried to be funny knows that there are times when it just doesn’t work. Here is a hilarious example of an Australian news anchor who tries to tell the Dalai Lama a Dalai Lama joke.
Continue ReadingI spoke last night at the E. C. Green Cancer Center at Jennie Stuart Medical Center in Hopkinsville, KY (about 60 miles north of Nashville, TN). For a rural area, this center is at the top of its game with state-of-the-art technology and some of the most warm, caring, and professional staff I’ve ever met. […]
Continue ReadingHere’s an article I wrote for the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization on managing processes: Do it Well and Make it Fun: Creating Excellence in All Processes
Continue ReadingIn my last post, I mentioned that I switched my insurance carrier from Liberty Mutual to Progressive because of the $2400 I saved in premiums. Another unique feature with Progressive is their Snapshot program. If you choose to participate, they send you a Snapshot device that attaches to your car. I assume it’s some sort […]
Continue ReadingAlmost two years ago, I had a motorcycle accident. I suffered a deep cut in my chin but otherwise I was OK. My motorcycle was not so lucky and I decided, for superstitious as well as practical reasons, to sell it rather than to repair it. My insurance carrier was Progressive. You may know their […]
Continue ReadingWhenever someone asks me, “Where do you find your humor,” I often tell them that it’s simply observing what’s around you. Humor is everywhere and if you’re looking for it, you’ll see it. Along those lines, only once in a millennium does something happen like the Anthony Weiner fiasco. For a politician named Weiner to […]
Continue ReadingI recently came across this great interview with Al Jaffee, the creator of the folding back page in Mad magazine. As a kid, I was a huge Mad fan and the back page was like the prize in the cereal box. I couldn’t wait to see what it was. In a 2010 interview, Al Jaffee […]
Continue ReadingUntil recently, I loved the way that luggage companies treated you. Something breaks, they replace it. Of course if you abuse your luggage, or allow TSA to abuse it, the warranty doesn’t cover it. But when handles, zippers, wheels, and the like break, the luggage companies typically take good care of you. I’m a fan […]
Continue ReadingI just finished reading David Bianculli’s book, Dangerously Funny, The Uncensored Story of The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. It was a wonderful walk down memory lane taking me back to my childhood in the mid 1960’s when I savored both the humor and the music of this ground-breaking variety show. What I did not know […]
Continue ReadingWe left on a Saturday morning, a weekend I point out, and yet our minds were still lingering on email, voicemail, and what-do-I-need-to-do-for-work thoughts. On the way to Bermuda we had a stop in Newark – which, by the way, is one sure way to make your final destination, Bermuda or otherwise, look fantastic. We […]
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