Ron's Blog

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

The Power of Focus

The Power of Focus

I admit that I am not always laser focused. The one situation where I am focused is when I’m speaking in front of a large group of people. Give me an audience of 4,000 and my mind is sharp, my focus is clear, and my humor is hah-larious. But put me in a room by […]

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Unpushing Our Buttons

Unpushing Our Buttons

OK, confession time. I’m not perfect. Whew! I’m glad I got that off my chest. Seriously, I have a couple of buttons that when pushed, cause me to lose my objectivity. Well, let me rephrase that. There are scenarios where my reactions are out of proportion to the situation. I guess nobody is really pushing […]

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Getting Older Without Obsessing About It

Getting Older Without Obsessing About It

When he was in his eighties, my father would introduce himself to old friends by saying, “I am what remains of Connie Culberson.” That humorous introduction helped my dad manage the obvious effect of eighty years on his classic “chassis”. Many of us, however, seem to obsess about both our appearance and our bodily functions, […]

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A Case Study in Culture Change

A Case Study in Culture Change

I sometimes joke that my presentations are “deeply shallow.” On the surface, they’re funny. And yet the deeper meaning sinks in later, despite the funny. In fact, due to the humorous nature of my programs, I’m usually hired to deliver keynote addresses at conferences and meetings. The shorter format fits my style really well. Plus, […]

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A Flaw In The System

A Flaw In The System

The Big Chill was released the same year I graduated from college. While $53 million at the box office may seem low according to today’s standards, the movie was a huge hit because of the talented cast and the fantastic 1960’s soundtrack. The plot focuses on a group of Baby Boomers who get together 15 […]

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Making a Living by Doing What You Love

Making a Living by Doing What You Love

A writer friend once said that she quit going to writers’ conferences because everyone was depressed and unemployed. Putting herself in that kind of environment didn’t make her very excited about a career in writing. It seems that many people find it hard to use their artistic talents for a financially viable career. I think […]

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Measuring Success: Significance or Just Staying Busy?

Measuring Success: Significance or Just Staying Busy?

Recently, I spoke at a conference in Indiana. I spent the morning with four hundred attendees and then closed their event with a keynote address. Afterwards, I worked on a writing project at Starbucks. Later, I ate dinner at a local restaurant and then returned to my hotel room where I watched an episode of […]

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Politically Correct Diversity

Politically Correct Diversity

A priest, a rabbi, and a prostitute walked into a bar. The bartender said, “What is this, a joke?” That bit would not play particularly well in a church or a synagogue. It might not even play that well in a blog. But here’s the point: Over the years, the acceptance of certain types of […]

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Well, That Was Awkward

Well, That Was Awkward

One of our favorite restaurants has an eclectic menu. The owners are a German-Chinese couple so, you can order Wiener schnitzel and spaetzle with a side of moo goo gai pan. The food is delicious but the entertainment is odder than the menu. On most weekend nights, a woman dressed in lederhosen plays an accordion […]

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My Mind Helps Me Sleep

My Mind Helps Me Sleep

It’s common for my wife to wake up around 3:00 a.m. and have a hard time getting back to sleep. This is not due to my snoring. While I may snore occasionally, I don’t snore that much or that loudly. And I’m not hanging all over her in some sort of romantic dream state. Usually, […]

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