Ron's Blog

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Curing Center of the Universe Syndrome

Curing Center of the Universe Syndrome

The following stories are true. The names have been omitted to protect the guilty. But you know who you are. Recently, I was walking to my gate when I saw four airport employees pushing four empty wheelchairs. They were walking side-by-side while talking and laughing. It was an amusing sight. That is, until I realized […]

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Adjusting Your Humor Antenna

Adjusting Your Humor Antenna

The word antenna is becoming one of those words that is only familiar to people over a certain age. I must be one of those people because when I was young, there was an antenna on everything—our car, our house, and our radio. Today, antennae are few and far between. But the purpose of those […]

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Special Wellness Retreat

Special Wellness Retreat

Enlighten Up! A Wellness Retreat to Lift Your Mind and Body Luna Lodge Resort in Costa Rica February 18-25, 2018 Join Ron Culberson, MSW, CSP, CPAE and Agnes F. Schrider, PT as you immerse yourself in nature while restoring your mind, heart and body. Luna Lodge is an eco-friendly lodge nestled in the lush rainforest surrounded by beauty […]

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Minding Our Lives

Minding Our Lives

I know this has happened to you. You’re driving down an interstate highway when your mind begins to wander. Maybe you’re thinking about your boss’s rude behavior or how nice it would be to make a career change. You start imagining all the jobs that might fit your skills. Maybe you should open a coffee […]

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Just Be Nice

Just Be Nice

We had just finished a lovely Valentine’s Day meal, celebrating the day after Valentine’s Day since we can never get a table at a decent restaurant on Valentine’s Day, and our server brought the bill. I placed my credit card on top of the bill accompanied by a two-for-one coupon. The server said, “Hrrrumph, you […]

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Zig When Others Zag

Zig When Others Zag

I travel quite a bit and I must admit that I’m a bit of a customer service snob. It’s not that I expect to be treated like royalty, you knave. It’s just that if I’m paying for a service, I feel I should be treated as if I matter. Recently, I was renting a car […]

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Moving Into a New Place

Moving Into a New Place

  On January 10, Ron’s new book, If Not Now, When? will be available. The book is a compilation of his most popular blogs, essays, and newspaper columns. You can order a copy through our website store or on Amazon by clicking this link: If Not Now, When?. The following article appeared on his blog in January 2014 and […]

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What’s Your Story?

What’s Your Story?

Holiday gatherings are often full of stories. But sometimes, I wonder if the story we tell is the whole story? When I was in elementary school, my father would take me with him to get the family Christmas tree. I had no choice in the matter as I suspect it was his way to get […]

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Greeting the Seasons

Greeting the Seasons

We were getting dressed for the last home football game of the season at our alma mater, the University of Virginia. We bought season tickets this year thinking that our new coach would win us into a new era of UVA football. It appears, however, that our win-loss record is much like DNA—it’s hard to […]

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The Power of Focus, Part Deux

The Power of Focus, Part Deux

In the last article, I spoke about my lack of focus. Many of you said that you could identify with my distractedness. And while the intent of that article was to describe a common issue in a funny way, there wasn’t much in the way of helpful tips. Sorry about that—I got distracted. As I’ve […]

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