I heard a wonderful story on Headline News recently about Compton (CA) High School senior Allan Guei. As a standout on the varsity basketball team, Allan entered a free-throw shooting contest sponsored by a marketing agency that wanted to produce a documentary to dispel negative beliefs about the Compton community.
Guei won the competition and the accompanying $40,000 check towards his college expenses. However, a few days after the contest, Guei found out that he had received a full basketball scholarship to attend Cal State Northridge. So, Guei donated the $40,000 back to the seven runners up figuring they needed it more than he did. You can read the article here: Compton’s Guei Dishes Out Assist of a Lifetime
What a tremendous example of a kid who was raised right and has developed excellent values. If given the same opportunity, would you have done the same thing?