Category: Life

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Black, White or Gray?


When you look at the world, do you see black, white or gray? Seems pretty black and white to me – it’s gray. Whenever we get together with family, friends or colleagues, inevitably, we talk about current events. And when we talk about current events, we temporarily lose the ability to see the gray. It’s […]

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Presence Leads to Excellence and Humor

I was riding my Harley through the back roads of Maryland last weekend feeling tougher than my nerd-like appearance might suggest. As I rode into a shady portion of the road, my senses came alive with an entirely different experience. The air was cooler on my face and arms. The scent of pine and decomposing […]

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I Think I’m Wishing My Life Away


A few nights ago, on behalf of my Rotary Club, I volunteered at our town festival. And for five hours, I wanted it to be over. The festival is a wonderful annual event that includes carnival rides, food vendors, live music and thousands of people who show up just to have a good time. And […]

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High School Freshman Uses BASSic Skills to Support Charity

As parents, we get invited to a lot of events when our kids are growing up. There are band concerts, scouting events, graduation parties, and the occasional fundraiser to support the many extracurricular programs that seem to always need more funds to do what they do. Thank goodness my kids didn’t have to sell Amway […]

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4 Keys to Developing and Maintaining Friendships

Ron’s latest Huffington Post Blog: As the old saying goes, you can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose. That is, unless you’ve developed some really close friendship! We need friendships in our lives to supplement our existing romantic, marital or family relationships. Yet most adult […]

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Stepping Out of the Routine

Many of us live in an world of regular routines and yet we have multiple opportunities to live in a world of new experiences. The familiar can limiting but the unfamiliar can open up many possibilities. My daily exercise routine often takes the form of brisk walking through our neighborhood and then through an adjacent cemetery. […]

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Benefit of The Doubt

The phrase “benefit of the doubt” (BOTD) is a legal term. It refers to giving someone favorable judgement in the absence of all the evidence. Since I see you, the readers, as my collective therapists, I will confess to you that I’m not good at BOTD. I’m much better at the D part but not […]

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A Post-Thanksgiving Reminder

Ron’s latest Huffington Post blog: I’m a big fan of Thanksgiving because the focus is so simple. It’s all about the food and the fellowship. Unlike Christmas, there are no Thanksgiving gifts, no special decorations, and no fear of offending someone who might not believe in turkey when I say, “Happy Thanksgiving.” This year, however, […]

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Do You See Danger or Benefits?

The following is part of Ron’s newest newsletter: I was unpacking my suitcase in a hotel recently while watching The Ellen Show. I like Ellen DeGeneres. She finds funny in everything. During one of the commercial breaks, there was an ad for a particular medication that I won’t name – to protect them and me! […]

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Now Doesn’t Last Forever

Ron’s newest Huffington Post blog posted today: It’s Thursday, and our week has been a flurry of activity. Our traditional end-of-the-summer meal was on Tuesday. My son and I played golf yesterday, and last night the whole family attended a baseball game. My wife is taking my daughter to a concert tonight. You see, we’re […]

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