Author: Ron Culberson

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Hospice as a Business

As a former hospice social worker and senior manager, I was intrigued by an article in USA Today about marketing hospice care as a good financial decision.  You can read the article here:  Hospice Marketed as Cost Cutter. Essentially, one expert suggests that hospices can market themselves to hospitals, as a cost savings method, because […]

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What’s In a Name?

I saw this company on a morning walk in Raleigh, NC.  I’ve heard of Johnson and Sons and even James, James, James and James. But Smith and Nephew.  What’s next, Smith and First Cousin Once Removed…By Marriage?  

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Fun on Fixed Income

So, I’m 51 years old but don’t feel a day over 50.  Of course, 50 is the new 40.  I’m not sure what that means but it sounds good. Even though I feel I’m under the radar, age-wise, I am a fan of AARP.  I joined the minute I turned 50 because I wanted the […]

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Doing Customer Service Well

If you apply my philosophy of Do it Well, Make it Fun to customer service, you could call it “Do What’s Right and Make it Easy.” Surprisingly, we’ve all experienced a wide range of service experiences – from doing nothing to exceeding our expectations.  At the risk of sounding whiney, I want to share two […]

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Humor in the White House…Correspondants Dinner

The annual presidential comedy excursion took place this weekend.  Both President Obama and comedian Jimmy Kimmel did a great job entertaining the audience of media representatives, politicians, and celebrities.  Below are videos of both doing their shtick.  Notice the clever way they used current events and personal shortcomings to poke fun of each other and the state […]

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What’s Really Important?


One of my biggest challenges is trying not to get caught up in what I call Hangnail Experiences – those little annoyances that are not really that important but tend to consume us.  I experienced one of those today when I received criticism about something I did.  About an hour later, after feeling sorry for […]

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Marriage Advice Done Well…and Funny!

In my new book, Do it Well. Make it Fun., there is a chapter on marriage.  I make no claim to be an expert in marriage but after 25 years of being married to the same person, I do have some valuable experience.  Essentially, my take on marriage is this:  Understand that you’re different and […]

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Government Spending on Professional Development is Not a Bad Thing


The General Services Administration came under fire last week for sponsoring a conference that included a mind reader and a comedian. The cost of the event was $823,000 and was described as “excessive and wasteful” by officials, including President Obama. I don’t know all the details about this particular event but as someone who is […]

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As the Sell Tolls


I recently attended a weekend conference on sales offered by the National Speakers Association (NSA). As incoming president, I attend all of the events even when the topic is not something to which I am particularly drawn. Sales is not a topic to which I’m particularly drawn. You may ask, “Ron, as an entrepreneur, why […]

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Something old and…nothing new!

Is getting married at the age of 100 on your bucket list? Probably not. But if you are a hot 100 year-old eligible bachelorette, maybe it is. Dana Jackson tied the knot with fellow health care center resident and mere child 86 year-old Bill Strauss recently. I suspect that after walking down the aisle, both […]

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