The Season for The Reason…Wait, What?

The Season for The Reason…Wait, What?

Shortly after Memorial Day, the Christmas decorations went up. OK, I’m exaggerating. But sometimes it feels that way, doesn’t it? I wonder if one day, we’ll just leave the decorations up all year. In my Christian faith, I often hear people remind us to remember the “reason for the season.” In other words, instead of […]

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What I Learned – Carolinas Center & Ferguson

What I Learned – Carolinas Center & Ferguson

Welcome to Ron’s video blog called “What I Learned” where he describes what he has learned from his clients. If you click the link below, you will land on the video page to see Ron’s smiling face and hear his sultry voice! Or if you prefer to avoid all of that, you can read the […]

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Be Thankful Even If You Don’t Feel Like It

Be Thankful Even If You Don’t Feel Like It

I used to write a humor column for the Herndon Observer newspaper. The following was a column that appeared before Thanksgiving several years ago. It also appears in my latest book, If Not Now, When. I hope you enjoy this lighter approach to being thankful! My wife says I’m sometimes grumpy. My nephews say I’m […]

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It’s Not Just What We Do But How We Do It

It’s Not Just What We Do But How We Do It

My family went out to dinner one night and the service was really slow. After a long wait, our server brought the burgers and fries but did not bring any ketchup. When we asked for some ketchup, the server said she would bring it right out. Ten minutes later we still didn’t have any ketchup. […]

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What I Learned – Gas Authority & Coverys

    Welcome to Ron’s video blog called “What I Learned” where he describes what he has learned from his clients. If you click the image below, you will land on the video page to see Ron’s smiling face and hear his sultry voice! Or if you prefer to avoid all of that, you can […]

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Discovering the Mystery

Discovering the Mystery

Do you like suspenseful novels or movies? How about mysteries or thrillers? I do. And what I like most about these kinds of books and movies is being surprised by a discovery at the end of the story. I still remember being stunned by the final scenes in The Sixth Sense and Primal Fear. In […]

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Are You Worth Your Salt? (Part 2)

Are You Worth Your Salt? (Part 2)

In my last article, I mentioned a phrase from my childhood about our being “worth our salt.” If you didn’t read it, click here: Are You Worth Your Salt? This article continues to focus on the remaining principles which I embrace. Hopefully, by seeing them, you will think more purposefully about the principles you value. […]

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Are You Worth Your Salt?

Are You Worth Your Salt?

Several years ago in Golf Digest magazine, I read a story about a young golfer named Charlie Siem. He was playing in a tournament and after making the winning putt, he bent down to retrieve his ball from the cup. Immediately, he realized that the ball in the cup was not his. At some point […]

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Finding Humor in Life’s Challenges

Finding Humor in Life’s Challenges

When we’re faced with a challenge, it’s not often easy to find humor in the situation. But humor can be just what we need to balance the situation and boost our morale. I love it when I’m able to find something funny in the midst of a stressful situation. I’m not always good at it […]

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Hitting the “Share” Button

Hitting the “Share” Button

I came across an article online a few days ago that I thought a friend would appreciate. At the top of the page was a “Share” button. I clicked the button and an email window popped up with the title of the article inserted in the subject line and a link to the article embedded […]

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