Date: May2011

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

A Do it Well Vacation

We left on a Saturday morning, a weekend I point out, and yet our minds were still lingering on email, voicemail, and what-do-I-need-to-do-for-work thoughts.  On the way to Bermuda we had a stop in Newark – which, by the way, is one sure way to make your final destination, Bermuda or otherwise, look fantastic.  We […]

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Finding the Stories in Medicine

I’m a big believer in the power of stories to connect to others and to share important information metaphorically.  In the past few years, we have seen an increase in the use of stories in corporate environments to tell the story of the company, the products, and the customers. I think most staff want to […]

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President Reagan Was Always Ready with His Words

An article in USA Today reported that Ronald Reagan’s collection of note cards, on which he kept jokes, facts, and quotes, will be published in a book edited by historian Douglas Brinkley.  The book is called, The Notes:  Ronald Reagan’s Private Collection of Stories and Wisdom. Reagan was one of the most articulate presidents and […]

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Do it Well. From Adequate to Amazing.

There’s a great article on the Harvard Business Review’s blog.  While there are not a lot of specifics as to how to go from adequate to amazing, what the article shows is that most of us are only limited by our thinking and that we can improve whatever we’re doing. Here’s the full article:  How […]

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Drive Thru Funeral Home – Neither Well Done Nor Fun

I ran across an article on the Mental Floss website describing a drive-thru funeral home in Compton, CA.  There is a short article and video here:  Drive Thru Funeral Home If you’ve ever been to Chinatown in New York City or other metropolitan area, it’s not uncommon to see dead ducks hanging in the store […]

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