Tag: jokes

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

A Full Circle Moment

A Full Circle Moment

In 1979, I was a high school senior and considered myself a pretty funny eighteen-year-old. One might see this as a lack of insight. But it was reinforced by my mother, who indiscriminately laughed at everything I said, and my high school principal who let me write funny announcements and deliver them over the intercom. […]

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A Brush With Celebrity

A Brush With Celebrity

One of the benefits of being a strikingly good looking, hilariously funny, and humble professional speaker is that I’ve gotten to learn from some pretty cool people over the years. Once, I got to spend time backstage chatting with Rabbi Harold Kushner, author of When Bad Things Happen to Good People. I also had dinner […]

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A Dose of Humor Each Day is…Funny

A Dose of Humor Each Day is…Funny

One of the common questions funny people get asked is, “How does the lint get into my belly button?” This is a fair question. I’m not a doctor, but I believe it has something to do with our daily intake of fiber. The most common question funny people get asked is, “How did you get […]

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Jerry Seinfeld’s Success is Based on Work Ethic

The New York Times did a wonderful article on Jerry Seinfeld. What stands out most is his amazing work ethic. While a solid work ethic certainly benefits most things in life and work, it is especially true when it comes to writing and more specifically writing comedy. It’s easy to get discouraged when you don’t […]

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Women, Boomers, and Humor

My friend Pat Williams at Graceful Care sent me this link.  It’s a wonderful resource site for Boomer Women.  This particular page has some great humor. Third Age Humor

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