Tag: opinions

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Abnormal or Just Unfamiliar?

Abnormal or Just Unfamiliar?

As a young person growing up in rural Southwest Virginia, I was a bit more sheltered than those who spent their childhoods in urban environments. I had wonderful experiences, grew up with many good people, and honestly, I wouldn’t trade a minute of it. That being said, once I got into the “real” world, I […]

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Hitting the Pause Button

Hitting the Pause Button

One of my favorite aspects of watching a movie at home is the pause button — well, that and the fact that my popcorn costs less than an ounce of gold. The reason I like the pause button is that it allows me to stop the movie to get a drink, to go to the […]

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Black, White or Gray?


When you look at the world, do you see black, white or gray? Seems pretty black and white to me – it’s gray. Whenever we get together with family, friends or colleagues, inevitably, we talk about current events. And when we talk about current events, we temporarily lose the ability to see the gray. It’s […]

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Bias, Civility and Discourse in a Highly Connected World

As I’ve said before, I can be a pretty judgmental person. I don’t like being that way but I find that it’s almost automatic. And the outcome of my judgmentalism is usually a criticism, whether internally thought or externally spoken, of another person’s behavior or words. And almost always, this judgmentalism comes from my biases. […]

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