Royal Plaza on Scotts staff thank you photo
I recently had the privilege of doing a presentation for the staff of the Royal Plaza on Scotts hotel in Singapore. Little did I know that they already embraced the concept of Do it Well, Make it Fun – perhaps even better than I do. In fact, the day I spoke, the local paper announced that the hotel had been awarded the Singapore Best Employer award for 2013.
Essentially, this is a hotel that is committed to serving the guests. They’re mantra is “how can I help you?” And they certainly go out of their way to make your stay as comfortable as possible.
For example, the mini bar in the room contains soft drinks and snacks that are complimentary. I received cookies and chocolates when I arrived. And on my way to my room one day, a housekeeping staff member said, “How are you Mr. Culberson?”
I was honored by the attention they gave me.
A few days after I arrived home after an 18-hour plane trip, I received the photo (above) in my email inbox. The staff at Royal Plaza didn’t send me a form letter thanking me for my presentation but instead, they took a photo and made their thank you a lot more effective – and much more fun!
This was one of the first times I went out of my way to thank someone for thanking me. I think that might be gratitude redundancy.
Royal Plaza on Scotts definitely made my visit to Singapore a great experience.