Ron's Blog

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Managers, Pay Better Attention

Managers, Pay Better Attention

When I was trained as a social worker, my graduate program followed the psychodynamic theory of human behavior. This approach focused on Ids and Egos, and suggested that our emotional problems might be tied to our inner child, our outer parents, or perhaps the inner and outer trauma associated with potty training. It was an […]

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Planning for the Inevitable

Planning for the Inevitable

A friend of mine recently said that it seems like more people die in January. I don’t know if January leads the calendar in deaths but since it’s often noted that nothing in life is guaranteed but death and taxes, I would expect April to hold that honor. At sixty one years of age, I’ve […]

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Happy New Year…uh…Day

Happy New Year…uh…Day

It’s that time of year again. Even if you haven’t put away the decorations, I suspect you have spent the past few weeks putting away enough food and drink for the both of us. And I’m right there with you. Now, it’s time to get back to work, back to school, and back to the […]

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A Short List of Annoying People

A Short List of Annoying People

After several months of doing more traveling than I did in the past two years, I’ve made an important discovery. It turns out that I am more annoyed by other people than I was pre-COVID. Perhaps being cooped up at home with only one other person caused me to be less patient of everyone else. […]

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Humor, Take Me Away

Humor, Take Me Away

An old television commercial showed a woman describing the many demands in her life and when she finally got to her breaking point, she looked towards the heavens and said, “Calgon, take me away.”  She was immediately transported to an overly sudsy bathtub and relieved of all the stress in her life. I’m not sure […]

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It All Worked Out in the End

It All Worked Out in the End

This year marks ten years since I had a colonoscopy—which means, I’m due for another. In honor of that historic milestone, I thought I’d republish an article from my first experience in 2011. Enjoy!   If you’re over 50 and you haven’t had a colonoscopy, pick up the phone and schedule one right now. There’s […]

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What I Learned During The Last Year

What I Learned During The Last Year

My upcoming speaking calendar is full for the first time since February 2020. OK, in February 2020, my calendar was not exactly full because most people don’t schedule conferences during the winter. So, let’s just say that my fall speaking calendar is full for the first time since COVID hit. I’m very grateful but also […]

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Thinking Takes Us Places

Thinking Takes Us Places

When I mow the yard, I think. And I think. And I think.  Between the repetitive movement across the grass and the loud noise from the mower, there is not much else to do. It’s not like I can call up a neighbor and engage in a pleasant conversation about how his grass is growing.  […]

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