A priest, a rabbi, and a prostitute walked into a bar. The bartender said, “What is this, a joke?”
That bit would not play particularly well in a church or a synagogue. It might not even play that well in a blog. But here’s the point: Over the years, the acceptance of certain types of humor has changed. When I was a child, jokes about wives and mothers-in-law were common. In high school, we told Polish jokes. A few years ago, you might have heard blonde jokes. Yet, I think most of us would agree that these jokes are no longer politically correct. In other words, they are likely offensive, to someone.
The upside of political correctness is that it makes us think about the impact of our words and actions on others. The downside of political correctness is that it can prevent us from connecting and communicating with people who are different from us—which, by the way, is everybody.
Last December, I read that a college president had urged his faculty to not acknowledge any particular religion during the holidays. In other words, when television commercials, stores, and ugly sweaters were all advertising Christmas, this particular college’s professors were not going to talk about it—or any other religion’s practices. Bah humbug.
I appreciate the intent behind this president’s attempt at political correctness. We would not want the faculty to indoctrinate students with a particular religious perspective, especially considering the varied beliefs within a multicultural college environment. And let’s be honest, even we Christians get a bit worn out by the Christmas decorations that have been on display since September. But to avoid the acknowledgement of any particular religious belief is akin to ignoring a student’s culture, his family background, or her philosophical views. Faith, religion, or even the lack of any particular religious beliefs, is an important aspect of most people’s lives. We shouldn’t ignore a person’s belief system and pretend it doesn’t exist.
What I loved about my work in hospice care was that our team focused on the whole person. Each patient we served was a physical, emotional, social, and spiritual being. And in order to serve them most effectively, we not only had to be sensitive to each part of their being, we often had to address them. In social work, we refer to this as the “person in the situation,” meaning that you must understand the interplay of all of these qualities to truly understand the person.
This is where I think political correctness has been misinterpreted.
A common outcome of political correctness is that we avoid discussing certain differences so that we won’t offend anyone. However, when I worked in Southeast DC and was the only white person in my office, it would have been much harder for my colleagues and me to work together if we didn’t discuss the elephant in the room—my whiteness! Once we brought it into the open, we understood each other much better.
In the late 1980’s, diversity awareness programs often tried to teach us about the specifics of different races and cultures. The instructors would suggest that black people had certain tendencies or that Asian people displayed certain qualities. In other words, the wisdom at the time was that the better we knew the qualities of any group of people, the more accepting we would be of both our similarities and our differences. Talk about the pot calling the kettle Hispanic (or something like that).
Well, that approach ultimately failed because we realized that there are no universal tendencies within races and cultures. Oh, sure, there may be common characteristics within certain groups of people. For example, it is said that Southerners like ham biscuits and sweet tea. This may be true for some but clearly, not all Southerners like ham biscuits and sweet tea. And therein lies the key to diversity. We can’t assume we understand a person’s race, culture, or background until we really get to know them. And this is where political correctness has gone awry. We’ve gone from obliviously telling insensitive mother-in-law jokes to avoiding any discussion of race, culture, or religion. And what’s really wrong with a good mother-in-law joke? OK, I jest (as my mother-in-law types a list of the reasons).
When it comes to political correctness, telling an offensive joke is not the same as asking someone about their background, their family, or their faith. The following is a perfect example.
A few weeks ago when I was in Jackson, MS, I took a cab from my hotel to the airport. My driver was a 75 year-old African American man. As we talked about his background, he explained that he grew up in Mississippi but that Mississippi was not an easy place for a black man to live 50 years ago. So, he moved to California for most of his adult life but eventually came back. We then discussed how Mississippi has changed over the years, how churches differ in white and black communities, and a few other issues that were not so much related to race but to both of us as human beings. It was a rich conversation and when he dropped me off at the airport, we shook hands and thanked each other for the valuable time we had just spent together.
Since none of us is exactly like anyone else and since no one is exactly like us, we must get to know people in order to make a meaningful connection with them. By learning about others’ emotional, social and spiritual perspectives, we discover both the similarities between and the differences from our own perspectives and experiences. Political correctness does not mean avoiding religious discussions during December. I think it means that we must be sensitive to and accepting of the views of all of the people we encounter.
Diversity simply means that we live in rich world filled with a lot of different people. If we want to make that world richer, we just need to take advantage of our commonalities and build upon our differences. Oh, and it’s probably a good idea to avoid mother-in-law jokes.
I always enjoy reading your blogs.
Thanks Rita!
I’ve thought about this subject quite a bit over the last year or so.
It seems to me that the “spin” experts have been able to put such a negative connotation on the term “political correctness,” they have been able to reframe the debate in such a manner to politicize any subject attached to it. This technique works perfectly for those folk that have gained so much by increasing division among our people. The negative connotation associated with the term immediately provides a ” politically ‘correct’ ” way to disparage any subject associated with it.
The defining or re-defining of terms is a classic method used to win any argument, debate, discussion or trial on any subject, much like blaming the victim in a court case. This past holiday season I was astonished by the number of people that wished me a Merry Christmas attached with the disclaimer, “I don’t care if it is politically incorrect,” as if I was some anti-Christ, hell bent on destroying their religion and tossing their children into the nearest volcano. All I was trying to do was purchase toilet paper at Wally-Mart. As I mulled over what they were saying, and did not respond immediately with the requisite reply, it confirmed to them that I was indeed the anti-Christ. As I thought about these episodes, I thought that maybe my religion and faith were stronger, because I did not have the need for confirmation by every stranger that I met, but it was certainly effective in eliminating any possibility of meaningful discussion about any subject between the two of us.
Mission accomplished.
My efforts now are attempting to get people to replace the term “politically correct” with “respect.” Isn’t that what our mothers and fathers, Scout leaders, and Sunday School teachers tried to teach us? My cynical side keeps telling me the spin doctors would be able to turn respect against us, too, but it’s worth a try.
It certainly plays well into your blog, in my opinion. By bringing up a discussion on the subject, you are showing respect, regardless of political correctness.
I think Aretha and Otis would respect that….
You win for the longest comment! And that wasn’t very respectful of me. But I agree with the idea that respect goes a long way in many situations. It does not imply agreement or disagreement – it simply honors the humanity.
You nailed it.
Obviously I have been living obliviously.
This is an awesome piece and much appreciated. There is diversity even in and amongst families. I am a African American female with a Caribbean origin. Lived in the US for years before staring a family. I taught my kids how to say there ABCs and was the first to introduce them to their language skills. Imagine eighteen years later your child who is an A student correcting you on dropping your Ks when talking. Parent been a leader of many different committees and social activities. For just a minute I really had to think about how similar yet different our outlook on life currently is. I too have corrected many different people on their grammar and here we are me being corrected by my child that I taught how to use her language skills. Diversity exists even within our similarities. Go figure!! I honored her that day by responding thank you I will work on it.
Thanks for your comment.
Thank you for this great article; I enjoyed reading it.