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National Speakers Association 2

I just returned from the National Speakers Association Convention where I spent 8 days with 1300 professional speakers, trainers, authors, and consultants.  These are my people and I had a wonderful time learning from some of the best in the business.  I thought I’d share some of the best insights I got:

“Take a stand.  Don’t try to make everyone happy.” – Larry Winget

“If comfort is your goal, success is not in your future.  You have to work when you don’t feel like it.” – Bill Bachrach

“Don’t be a ‘thought follower’.” – Steve Siebold

“When you change the way you look at a situation, the situation changes.” – Murray Smith

“Stop thinking like a marketer and start thinking like a publisher.” – David Newman

“The more you realize your thinking is wrong, the more you’ll sell.” – Steven Gaffney

“Text on a slide is not a visual aid.” – Terri Sjodin

“When doubt creeps in, you are making your opponent stronger.” – Kyle Maynard


  • David Newman says:


    Thanks for the shout-out here. Appreciate it. There were many insightful (and ACTIONABLE) sounds bites shared at this year’s NSA Convention.

    All of these points you so brilliantly chose have a 2-fold implication for folks who are interested in making these ideas actionable in their business or career:
    1. The CONFIDENCE to attempt them (internal)
    2. The INFLUENCE to see them through (external)

    You can have confidence without influence (“legend in your own mind” syndrome) but it’s nearly impossible to be a person of influence without confidence!

    Thanks for the great post!

    — David Newman
    Do It! Marketing

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