Category: Life

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

I Do Not Hunt or Peck

I Do Not Hunt or Peck

At the risk of ruining my machismo image, I will openly admit that THE best class I ever took was Mrs. Showalter’s tenth grade typing class. It was head and shoulders above any other class I had including Clinical Psychology, Calculus II, and Human Sexuality (Although I did not miss one day of that class). […]

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I Wanted to Be Famous

I Wanted to Be Famous

When I was a kid, I didn’t think my life would be complete until I was famous. I’m not exactly sure why I thought fame was a worthy goal. Perhaps curing cancer, inventing the internet, or even creating a way to have healthy teeth without flossing would have been worthwhile endeavors. Seeking fame for fame’s […]

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The Mid-Life Question

The Mid-Life Question

I’ve never really had a mid-life crisis. It seems somewhat ridiculous to think that one could somehow reverse the effects of life by veering dramatically off course, as some do. Life is like a moving sidewalk and it’s hard to fight its forward motion. Even if we try to pretend we’re staying in place or […]

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Skinny Dip is Not What You Think

Skinny Dip is Not What You Think

It never occurred to me, during the summer before my final year of college, to pursue an internship in my field of study. Of course, I was a pre-med student with a psychology major and a drama minor so I’m not even sure what type of internship that would have been. Maybe a job where […]

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This Too Will Pass

This Too Will Pass

When I sent out my last email newsletter, I received more than 350 autoresponders. You know what autoresponders are, right? They’re those automatic return emails that say something like, “I’m out of the office having more fun than this and will respond to your email when I return.” Generally speaking, I receive about 30-40 autoresponders […]

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Minding Our Lives

Minding Our Lives

I know this has happened to you. You’re driving down an interstate highway when your mind begins to wander. Maybe you’re thinking about your boss’s rude behavior or how nice it would be to make a career change. You start imagining all the jobs that might fit your skills. Maybe you should open a coffee […]

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Moving Into a New Place

Moving Into a New Place

  On January 10, Ron’s new book, If Not Now, When? will be available. The book is a compilation of his most popular blogs, essays, and newspaper columns. You can order a copy through our website store or on Amazon by clicking this link: If Not Now, When?. The following article appeared on his blog in January 2014 and […]

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Life’s In-Betweens

Life’s In-Betweens

What are you doing with your in-betweens? I’m not talking about the cream in between the wafers of an Oreo. And I’m not talking about the commercials in between television shows. I’m not even talking about the curious ball of lint you find in between your toes. I’m talking about those moments in life that […]

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Things Aren’t Always What They Seem To Be

Things Aren’t Always What They Seem To Be

Recently, my wife and I used the drive-thru window at our local bank. I love the drive-thru because sometimes, I’m just too lazy to go inside. With the drive-thru, I don’t have to move from my seat and can do all of my banking transactions through that little drawer under the window. Isn’t it amazing […]

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