Welcome to Ron’s video blog called “What I Learned” where he describes what he has learned from his clients. If you click the link below, you will land on the video page to see Ron’s smiling face and hear his sultry voice! Or if you prefer to avoid all of that, you can read the text below instead.
I remember hearing a story about a janitor at NASA who was asked what he did there. He said, “I help put people on the moon.” In other words, he saw his role as much bigger than simply cleaning the floor or taking out the trash. It makes me think about the jobs in many organizations and whether the people in those jobs understand the interconnectedness of what they do.
I recently had the chance to speak at a nursing symposium sponsored by Sentara Rockingham Memorial Hospital. One of the opening speakers who is also the system’s Chief Nursing Officer spoke to the group about the definition of nursing and how that aligns with Sentara’s philosophy of care.
According to the World Health Organization, nursing encompasses the promotion of health, the prevention of illness, and the care of ill, disabled and dying people.
So, it’s way more than giving a shot or handing someone a pill. It’s about healing and prevention. And when you think about the goal of any healthcare organization, the role of the nurse is in perfect alignment.
So here’s what I learned from Sentara. When employees are able to connect what they do to the bigger picture of the missions of the organization, the communities in which they work, and the greater good of humanity, it makes the menial tasks of our day-to-day jobs not only less tedious, but much more valued.
At least that’s what I learned.
When speaking to pharmacists, my favorite opening line is, “I’m Dilaudid to be here.”
OK, so you non-pharmacists may not know that Dilauded is a medicine used for pain control. So, my saying “I’m Dilaudid to be here” is hilarious. Well, the pharmacists loved it.
A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to speak at the Tri-State Health System Pharmacy Summit. It’s a really cool organization that brings together pharmacists who work in health systems in New York, Connecticut, and New Jersey so they can learn from each other.
And while the state regulations might be slightly different as they pertain to the delivery of pharmacy services, these folks are able to work together to address similar clinical issues, regulatory issues, and organizational issues.
So here’s what I learned from the Tri-State Summit. We don’t have to work in isolation. Whenever we have the chance to consult with colleagues or other people who understand what we do, we not only expand our knowledge base but we develop new professional relationships as well.
So, as a solo entrepreneur, I realized that it’s critical for me to connect with my colleagues or else it can feel that I’m all alone in my work. These connections can only help us succeed.
At least, that’s what I learned.
Gd article. Was in nursing for 48 yrs., just taking time to visit with your patient, you learned a lot and they felt comfortable to talk to you about how they felt.
So true!