Author: Ron Culberson

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Hitting the Pause Button

Hitting the Pause Button

One of my favorite aspects of watching a movie at home is the pause button — well, that and the fact that my popcorn costs less than an ounce of gold. The reason I like the pause button is that it allows me to stop the movie to get a drink, to go to the […]

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Is it a Problem to Say, “You’re Welcome?”

Is it a Problem to Say, “You’re Welcome?”

The words we choose at any given time may be more importanter than we realize. Or something like that. Recently, I arrived at one of my favorite travel restaurants: Cracker Barrel. I like CB because it offers an all-day variety of breakfast items, home cooked vegetables, and a cornucopia of fried meats. Oh, and they […]

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Let Me Sleep On It

Let Me Sleep On It

I share this out of deep respect for the Post-Thanksgiving-Meal Nap. I love to sleep. I’m good at it. And I can sleep anywhere — planes, trains, automobiles, and even waiting rooms. More than once, I’ve been awakened by “Mr. Culberson, the dentist will see you now.” Yet, “sleeping in” is a challenge for me. […]

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A Beautiful Reminder

A Beautiful Reminder

Last weekend was one of the most beautiful three days I have ever experienced. The temperature was perfect and the color of the changing leaves made for a wonderful reminder of the beauty all around us here in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. On Saturday, we went to a college football game. The rolling […]

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Telling Stories

Telling Stories

Stories are powerful. They tell us so much more than facts. For instance, here are facts: A woman died. Six months, later her husband died. Here is a story: A woman died. Six months later, her husband died of a broken heart. See the difference? Stories convey information in a very unique way. Plus, they’re […]

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Understanding “Understanding”

Understanding “Understanding”

My wife will attest to the fact that I’m not the most patient person in traffic situations. My impatience also extends to a few other situations but for the sake of this article and protecting my sparkling image, I’ll stick to traffic. Here’s an example. While returning home from the airport recently, I stopped to […]

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The Deep Roots of Immediate Gratification

The Deep Roots of Immediate Gratification

I have a love-hate relationship with my yard. There are few things I love better than the look of a freshly mowed lawn, trimmed bushes and a neatly kept flower bed. But maintaining it is a different story. Mowing my yard is the most rewarding. The grass is long and then an hour later it’s […]

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When Your Boss Just Doesn’t Get It

When Your Boss Just Doesn’t Get It

As a full-time speaker, author, and humorist, the most common question I get from audience members is, “Ron, how do you keep your sleek figure and alabaster complexion?” It’s a fair question and the answer is simple. Fiber. It’s true. I’m very regular, and it gives me this attractively weak and washed out look. The […]

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The Illusion of Control

The Illusion of Control

Do you ever feel out of control? Do you ever feel that when you’re in control, you’re really not? A few weeks ago, I took a tumble on my motorcycle. I use the word “tumble” because it sounds less threatening than wrecked, crashed, or wrapped around a tree. But perhaps that’s just my way of […]

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How Would We Do That?

How Would We Do That?

In college, I took a class called “The History of Circus in America.” Now before you judge me and my liberal arts education, you should know that I was pursuing a double major (Pre-Med and Psychology) as well as a minor in Drama. I had so many required classes that I only enjoyed two elective […]

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