Author: Ron Culberson

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

It’s the Simple Things Isn’t It?

It’s the Simple Things Isn’t It?

The older I get, the simpler I get. OK, that didn’t sound right, but you know what I mean. You see, I don’t appreciate unnecessary complexity since life is complex enough even when things are going well. For instance, when I travel, I use my phone as an alarm clock because the hotel alarm clocks […]

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Things Aren’t Always What They Seem To Be

Things Aren’t Always What They Seem To Be

Recently, my wife and I used the drive-thru window at our local bank. I love the drive-thru because sometimes, I’m just too lazy to go inside. With the drive-thru, I don’t have to move from my seat and can do all of my banking transactions through that little drawer under the window. Isn’t it amazing […]

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WE Are Our Greatest Asset

WE Are Our Greatest Asset

When I help speakers or leaders with their presentation skills, I don’t typically focus on techniques such as voice inflection, hand gestures or eye contact. While these can play an important role in a great presentation, I believe that our greatest asset is who we are, not necessarily what we do. When it comes to […]

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A Brief Lesson in Observation

A Brief Lesson in Observation

When my niece was a baby, her mother sang the following song to her and every time the words “see” or “sea” came up, she’d raise my niece’s hands to uproarious laughter. A sailor went to sea. To see what he could see. But all that he could see, Was the the bottom of the […]

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Transitions – The Last Ride

Transitions – The Last Ride

Tuesday was a beautiful, almost spring day. It was sunny, the temperature was 65, and a new crop of bugs was hitting me in the face. You see, I was on my last motorcycle ride where, at the end of the ride, I would sell my bike to Classic Iron, one of the largest used […]

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Volunteering: Do you Have an Hour or Two?

Volunteering: Do you Have an Hour or Two?

Have you ever seen what happens in a group of first graders when the teacher says, “I need a volunteer”? The hands shoot up like popcorn and every kid wants to get picked. In contrast, have you ever seen what happens in a group of adult learners when the instructor says, “I need a volunteer”? […]

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The Value of Mentors

The Value of Mentors

Someone once said that the great thing about golf is that you get immediate feedback after every shot. For some of us, the feedback is brutal and routinely includes the words “slice” and “hook.” But you can’t deny the value of instantly knowing how well you did. Wouldn’t it be great if we had a […]

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Is it a Fact or Just Your Opinion?

Is it a Fact or Just Your Opinion?

These days, everyone has an opinion about everything — movies, politics, sports, and whether Jennifer Anniston has pursued any cosmetic enhancements. Inevitably, however, we run into someone with a different opinion who tries to convince us that their opinion is right and that our opinion is wrong. Sometimes, they even bring in scientific facts and […]

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Customer Poker

Customer Poker

In the poker game of life, it’s not so much about the hand you’re dealt but how you play it. Sometimes, we spend so much time focusing on the bad hand, we fail to see the opportunities for playing our hand differently that are right under our noses. Recently, I visited a Denver restaurant with […]

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A Dose of Humor Each Day is…Funny

A Dose of Humor Each Day is…Funny

One of the common questions funny people get asked is, “How does the lint get into my belly button?” This is a fair question. I’m not a doctor, but I believe it has something to do with our daily intake of fiber. The most common question funny people get asked is, “How did you get […]

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