Please enjoy these articles that support the “Do It Well, Make it Fun” philosophy:
“New Study Says Humor In The Workplace Can Help Improve Boss-Employee Relationship – But There’s A Catch”
A new study found that a boss’s sense of humor in the workplace can only improve employee job satisfaction if the boss already has a good relationship with his or her employees. This reinforces the mutuality of “Do it Well” and “Make it Fun”!
“9 Things Mentally Strong People do to Manage Stress”
Psychotherapist Amy Morin, the author of “13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do,” offers some of the best ways to approach stress management. This article is helpful as it shows us a variety of ways to cope.
“The Secret to Better Meetings: Fun”
Most people don’t like meetings and yet meetings take up a tremendous amount of time and focus for almost all organizations. This article supports the idea that meetings can be more fun and productive.
“Five Hobbies That Make People Better at Their Jobs”
Most of us see hobbies as something to do only if we have the time. However, it turns out that some hobbies actually make us better at skills we need in life and work. This is a great article on hobbies and in particular, it emphasizes the value of volunteering.
“The Science Beneath The Untethered Soul”
This article discusses the science behind mindfulness as it relates to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. The goal of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy is to increase psychological flexibility. The article suggests that changing our mental messages can be helpful to psychological health.