Tag: attitude

Enjoy Ron Culberson's insights on a variety of topics

Just Be Nice

Just Be Nice

We had just finished a lovely Valentine’s Day meal, celebrating the day after Valentine’s Day since we can never get a table at a decent restaurant on Valentine’s Day, and our server brought the bill. I placed my credit card on top of the bill accompanied by a two-for-one coupon. The server said, “Hrrrumph, you […]

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Hitting the Pause Button

Hitting the Pause Button

One of my favorite aspects of watching a movie at home is the pause button — well, that and the fact that my popcorn costs less than an ounce of gold. The reason I like the pause button is that it allows me to stop the movie to get a drink, to go to the […]

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How to Get “It” Back When You’re Not Feeling “It”

Ron’s newest Huffington Post blog: The basis for my work is a concept called “Do IT well and make IT fun.” And when I refer to the IT, I’m not referring to information technology, but rather that IT in our life that is the basis of all that. It’s the essence of the phrase, “You’ve […]

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Stress Doesn’t Have to Be that Stressful

Ron’s newest Huffington Post blog: Did you know that stress is not inherently stressful? Sounds impossible, right? Well, it turns out that if stress were inherently stressful, we would all be stressed by the same things. And we’re not. Some people are stressed by traffic. Some aren’t. Some people are stressed by their families. Some […]

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